Discipline: Visual arts

Using your experience in perceiving Blume’s “The Eternal City” (Figure1-3) discuss how education and experience changed your perception of the art. Were your values identified at all? If so, how?Using your experience in perceiving Blume’s “The Eternal City” (Figure1-3) discuss how education and experience changed your perception of the art. Were your values identified at all? If so, how?

 Using your experience in perceiving Blume’s “The Eternal City” (Figure1-3) discuss how education and experience changed your perception of the art. Were your values identified at all? If so, how?  Please use Martin, F. D., & Jacobus, L. A. (2018). Loose Leaf for Humanities through the Arts. McGraw-Hill Education.  as a source if possible

TOPIC: Robert Hughes’ famous quote reads, “Apart from drugs, art is the biggest unregulated market in the world.” Is this an accurate statement?TOPIC: Robert Hughes’ famous quote reads, “Apart from drugs, art is the biggest unregulated market in the world.” Is this an accurate statement?

Topic: Robert Hughes’ famous quote reads, “Apart from drugs, art is the biggest unregulated market in the world.” Is this an accurate statement?  Word count: MUST BE ONLY 700 WORDS  Focus on one or two angles max since the word count is limited  Title the paper Write a proper introduction to tell the reader what the […]

Using Beethoven’s “Eroica”, discuss, in detail, the difference between “hearing” and “listening to” music. What specific factors go into “listening”?Using Beethoven’s “Eroica”, discuss, in detail, the difference between “hearing” and “listening to” music. What specific factors go into “listening”?

Using Beethoven’s “Eroica”, discuss, in detail, the difference between “hearing” and “listening to” music. What specific factors go into “listening”?  Please use the textbook The Humanities Through the Arts 10th edition by Lee A. Jacobus and F. David        Martin if possible.   

TEST_ORDER ПірʼЯ район хліб прірва господиня ефект порівняння один незвичайний заспівати.TEST_ORDER ПірʼЯ район хліб прірва господиня ефект порівняння один незвичайний заспівати.

TEST_ORDER Пристойний валюта вовк потягнутися бетонний їсти радість диявол соціалістичний важливий вітрина скинути гуляти потрясти диявол можливо заспокоїтися пропадати зловити число єдиний танцювати подвірʼя за мати синок пристрасть потім потім нервово полюбити гуляти команда армійський образа знімати взагалі зрідка міркування виблискувати п’ятеро правління нога природний занадто салон діловий здригнутися поїзд зелений.

Please write a brief analysis on some of the works made through “Outside the Frame” and commenting on how social practices can be applied through the arts.Please write a brief analysis on some of the works made through “Outside the Frame” and commenting on how social practices can be applied through the arts.

Hello! I’m looking for a short discussion piece on social practices in the arts. I would like you to use pieces from Outside The Frames homless youth initiative (https://vimeo.com/otfpdx) and from the podcasts listed below: Letizia Treves on Artemisia Gentileschi Episode 47 Susanne Valladone 19th Dorothy Price on Käthe Kollwitz 20th Helen Molesworth on Alice Neel Episode 23 […]

Describe the most significant challenge you’ve faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?Describe the most significant challenge you’ve faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

Since I can remember I’ve always liked school all up to 5th to 7th grade I was raised with my dad two sisters, my little brother, step mom and dad. They didn’t have the best relationship they would fight a lot. so I never liked being home i would go out everyday afterschool and leave […]


1) I need 3 pages of theoretical part, a  more in depth literature analysis of visual elements in music videos in general, what kinds of visual elements there are (e.x.  montage, light, coposition) how it works. 2) Emperical part: analyze 3 BTS’s music videos: BTS – Butter MV, BTS- Blood, Sweat and Tears, BTS- ON […]

Analyzing the Genre of Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022, 2h 19m) by The DanielsAnalyzing the Genre of Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022, 2h 19m) by The Daniels

Please analyze the movie, Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022, 2h 19m) by The Daniels. Address specific details about the film’s director, story, style,structure, etc. that you feel make it a candidate worthy of representing its genre. I have attached a photo of the rubric/synopsis of what to include and what should be included! Please make this […]

Native American Indian Art and the focus of social justice on it in through humanities view and culture.Native American Indian Art and the focus of social justice on it in through humanities view and culture.

Final Essay, 1000 words.  Use MLA style and use at least 3 Works Cited. In this course, we look at works that express the values of the individual and society within an historical and social context. But what are the factors behind these certain works of art and literature being remembered as “iconic” or classics?   This question is […]