Discipline: Visual arts

Genre Dynamics: Navigating Utility and Complexity in Film Classification, with a Focus on Horror Through ‘Frankenstein’ (1931) and ‘The Spiral Staircase’ (1946)Genre Dynamics: Navigating Utility and Complexity in Film Classification, with a Focus on Horror Through ‘Frankenstein’ (1931) and ‘The Spiral Staircase’ (1946)

Write an 800 words of the following prompt and answer all parts of the question. Think about how the concept of genre works. How and for whom is genre useful, and what are some of the broad complications of assigning a genre category to a film?  Address these general aspects of the genre but also […]

Looking Assignment On Potrait Bust Of A Priestess (Portrait of a Flavian Priestess)Looking Assignment On Potrait Bust Of A Priestess (Portrait of a Flavian Priestess)

The instructions for this assignment are all attached in the attached files section. The most important part of the instructions is this: “Please give sustained attention to every element of the object you choose to sketch, which will help you understand its composition and meaning.  Some questions to consider while viewing and sketching the objects […]

Two Male Figures: the Farnese Hercules and a Seated Philosopher statuette in the British MuseumTwo Male Figures: the Farnese Hercules and a Seated Philosopher statuette in the British Museum

1. to observe closely and to describe clearly the visual characteristics of two works of art. 2. to imagine and describe how these characteristics affect (or might affect) a viewer’s experience of each work of art. 3. to identify and describe clearly similarities and differences between the two works. 4. to enjoy doing this! The […]

Analyze the film, La La Land (2016, 2h 8m) by Damien Chazelle & discuss the editing of that film. Cite specific examples of editing from the film, and be sure to speculate about how the film would be different had different editorial decisions been made.Analyze the film, La La Land (2016, 2h 8m) by Damien Chazelle & discuss the editing of that film. Cite specific examples of editing from the film, and be sure to speculate about how the film would be different had different editorial decisions been made.

Paper Format:• Please identify the topic, your name, the class and date on your paper’s coversheet.• A brief summary of the film. What happens in the film (PLOT, the A Story) andwhat the film is really about (THEME, the B Story).• Papers should be 5–8 pages in length, typed and double–spaced. Neither titlepage nor bibliography […]

you can freely choose any topicrelevant to Visual merchandise store design trend.you can freely choose any topicrelevant to Visual merchandise store design trend.

source Description: In a short introduction, please describe the source you used andwhat type of articles can be found from this source. For example, “WWD (Women’sWear Daily) is a trade journal that encompasses information and intelligence on theever-evolving trends and breaking news in men’s and women’s fashion, beauty andretail industries with readership in fashion marketing, […]

Examine the movie ‘Tokyo Story’ by Yasujiro Ozu as closely as possible, but examine only the features “within the frame” (eg the movie aesthetic itself). Write a formal analysis of it which utilizes this evidence to make an argument.Examine the movie ‘Tokyo Story’ by Yasujiro Ozu as closely as possible, but examine only the features “within the frame” (eg the movie aesthetic itself). Write a formal analysis of it which utilizes this evidence to make an argument.

A formal analysis is a description which contains within it an argument about what the work of art means. It is, first of all, a highly-detailed and accurate description of the work of art’s visual appearance, but, second, it is also a piece of writing which, in its choice of words, syntax, and rhetoric, a convincing argument for what the work of art means, utilizing only the […]

Write a visual analysis paper on an artwork (detailed instruction/rubric is in the description and attached file)Write a visual analysis paper on an artwork (detailed instruction/rubric is in the description and attached file)

Choose one primary art work from the lists included in the rubric and a secondary art work, which should be chosen from the Art Institute of Chicago’s website (1)since the econdary work must be a different work from the same artist, (2)and must be from the Institute’s current disaply/collection), then write a visual analysis paper on […]