Emerging A.I. technology stands poised to change society as we know it with its implementation causing major changes to everything from education to healthcare to law enforcement and so on. The technology has been called everything from a harbinger of doom to the key to laying the foundation for a utopian society. Where do you […]
Discipline: Writing
Assessment 2 FPX8404 -Leadership Interview: Facilitating Multidisciplinary Collaboration for Effective Human Services DeliveryAssessment 2 FPX8404 -Leadership Interview: Facilitating Multidisciplinary Collaboration for Effective Human Services Delivery
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY ALL INSTRUCTIONS: For this assessment, you will select a leader to interview from a nonprofit, for-profit, or government human services organization. You will develop interview questions designed to help you gain knowledge and insight about leadership practice based on the experiences of someone actively engaged in a human service leadership role. The […]
Write an email to this employee (make up a name and title) that includes a dress code policy memo as an attachment to notify him/her that compliance with the dress code is mandatoryWrite an email to this employee (make up a name and title) that includes a dress code policy memo as an attachment to notify him/her that compliance with the dress code is mandatory
You are a supervisor at your current place of employment OR a place of employment that you would like to work for in the future. You have noticed that one of your subordinates is in violation of the dress code that is in place for the company/agency/organization. This particular employee has worn attire that is far too casual […]
Discussion Thread: Emergency Management: Mitigation, Prevention, and PreparednessDiscussion Thread: Emergency Management: Mitigation, Prevention, and Preparedness
Similar to Module 5: Week 5, using the 4 classical phases of disaster management, discuss how collaboration between public and private organizations can support phases 3 and 4 of the model. Choose a threat/hazard/disaster different from the Module 5: Week 5 Discussion prompt. Describe the possible interactions and involvement of each organization. Include in your discussion specific […]
ESSAY 1: Exposition and Analysis Essay: Hip Hop’s Origin in Your Life and BeyondESSAY 1: Exposition and Analysis Essay: Hip Hop’s Origin in Your Life and Beyond
ESSAY 1: Exposition and Analysis Essay: Hip Hop’s Origin in Your Life and Beyond Timeline Draft due WEEK 7 (Sept 23-27) Final due WEEK 8 (Sept 30-Oct 4) Points 125 (plus 25 for the rough draft) 15% of Final Grade Significance: This essay will be graded face-to-face. You will also take notes on the feedback […]
comparing the tone of the two memoirs “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” and “The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.”comparing the tone of the two memoirs “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” and “The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.”
You should include the following: 1) A clear sentence restating the question. Something like: The tone of Maya Angelou’s memoir and Frederick Douglass’s memoir is similar because XXXXXXXX/ is different because XXXXXXX. 2) Two pieces of evidence — one from each text. Please use quotations correctly when pulling directly from the text. 3) Clearly explain […]
Ashley Dorsey Essay 1 The Woman Question-Lori Watson TSQ (2016) 3 (1-2) pp 246-253Ashley Dorsey Essay 1 The Woman Question-Lori Watson TSQ (2016) 3 (1-2) pp 246-253
Summary response essay to peer reviewed article https://read.dukeupress.edu/tsq/article/3/1-2/246/91778/The-Woman-Question rough draft attached Below are my professors response to draft I think you a tugging on lots of interesting ideas in this draft. It would likely be very helpful to choose a few of those to develop further, expanding the entire draft might make a truly massive […]
Essay: How Wealth Has Been Used in the U.S. to Dispossess and Marginalize Groups, as Discussed in The Color of WealthEssay: How Wealth Has Been Used in the U.S. to Dispossess and Marginalize Groups, as Discussed in The Color of Wealth
Wealth as a Tool of Dispossession and Marginalization Wealth has been used as a political, social, and cultural technology for structuring race, class, and gender. Write 3-5 page paper explaining what wealth is, according to the authors of The Color of Wealth. Then, using the authors’ perspectives, explain how wealth in the U.S. has dispossessed and […]
patters for writers 14th edition ; Deborah Tannen ” Sex, Lies and Conversations”patters for writers 14th edition ; Deborah Tannen ” Sex, Lies and Conversations”
PLEASE WRITE THIS AS A SUMMARY ESSAY. 1. Introduction Paragraph: Includes a hook to get the reader’s attention, necessary background for an uninformed audience, thesis statement communicates the significance of the work being summarized, at least 3 sentences. 2. Body Paragraphs: Include focus on original text, three paragraphs, effective topic sentences, at least 5 sentences, focus on […]
Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS): Developing Equity for All Learners Module Video ReviewsMulti-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS): Developing Equity for All Learners Module Video Reviews
In this module, there are 4 short videos. Watch each video. Then, in a Word document, I want you to summarize what you learned in each video in bulleted format. Do this by putting headings representing the numbers of the video (e.g., Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4). Then, under each video in a bulleted format, […]