Discipline: Writing

Comparison/Contrast: Literacy as a social practice and literacy sponsors in two different domains of lifeComparison/Contrast: Literacy as a social practice and literacy sponsors in two different domains of life

For this essay, you will compare and contrast two different domains of life (for example, home vs university or work vs home) in terms of two propositions for literacy as a social practice (from Baron and Hamilton (2005) and literacy sponsors. Listed below you will find some examples for domains (see point A), six propositions […]

In what ways does our identity — how we see ourselves as well as how others see us — impact our ability to be successful?In what ways does our identity — how we see ourselves as well as how others see us — impact our ability to be successful?

Task Throughout the semester we’ve read a number of texts — Gladwell, of course, but also Greenstreet, Anwar, Coates and Anderson — that look at the benefits, costs and consequences of identity in our lives.  For this paper, you will the following question: In what ways does our identity — how we see ourselves as […]

Rhetorical Analysis Essay on Book Trailers (In classroom and as author-made advertisements)Rhetorical Analysis Essay on Book Trailers (In classroom and as author-made advertisements)

For this assignment, we were asked to write a 4 page, at least 1250 word rhetorical analysis over a topic of our choice. I decided to use the prompt “book trailers.” Specifically, I would like to use both student made book trailers as used in the classroom as assignments, and professionally made book trailers from […]

Is the main character in To Build A Fire similar to the prisoners that never leave the cave in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave?Is the main character in To Build A Fire similar to the prisoners that never leave the cave in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave?

https://americanenglish.state.gov/files/ae/resource_files/to-build-a-fire.pdf https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/seyer/files/plato_republic_514b-518d_allegory-of-the-cave.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RWOpQXTltAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RWOpQXTltALinks to an external site.

You will do this by using the tempate, which is combining your 3 papers you have already written in this course (problems statement, literature review, and the methodology/analysis papers).You will do this by using the tempate, which is combining your 3 papers you have already written in this course (problems statement, literature review, and the methodology/analysis papers).

 Prepare your final paper.  You will do this by using the tempate, which is combining your 3 papers you have already written in this course (problems statement, literature review, and the methodology/analysis papers).  You will then work to finalize the paper to ensure it has one cohesive flow and thought throughout the paper.  You will […]

Identify one of the factors mentioned in the text that influence wildland fire behavior.Identify one of the factors mentioned in the text that influence wildland fire behavior.

Identify one of the factors mentioned in the text that influence wildland fire behavior. Summarize your chosen factor and why it is important in wildland firefighting. Articulate why is it is particularly important for structural firefighters who might respond within the wildland urban interface to understand your chosen factor.  Assignment Instructions The assignment must be one page, double-spaced, in Times […]

Identify a fire protection system that is unique in high-rise structures. Summarize how this fire protection system works in high-rises. Articulate why it is important for firefighters to understand your chosen fire protection system.Identify a fire protection system that is unique in high-rise structures. Summarize how this fire protection system works in high-rises. Articulate why it is important for firefighters to understand your chosen fire protection system.

Identify a fire protection system that is unique in high-rise structures. Summarize how this fire protection system works in high-rises. Articulate why it is important for firefighters to understand your chosen fire protection system. Assignment Instructions The assignment must be one page, double-spaced, in Times New Roman, size 12 font, and in APA format. Your assignment MUST include at least one reference […]

Exploring Societies via Science Fiction: Natural and Built Environments, Sustainability; Human Adaptation/Evolution in a Changing WorldExploring Societies via Science Fiction: Natural and Built Environments, Sustainability; Human Adaptation/Evolution in a Changing World

Instructions Assignment Objective:  Write an informative essay/paper based on the research you have conducted about your chosen topic.   Assignment Instructions:  You will develop your paper based on the work you submitted for previous Assignments as well as the feedback you were given.   To prepare for this assignment, I recommend that you do the following: […]

Topic around The Impact of Sports on Athletic Excellence or Enhancing athlete performance.Topic around The Impact of Sports on Athletic Excellence or Enhancing athlete performance.

M5: Annotated Bibliography For this assignment, you should follow the APA guidelines in creating an annotated bibliogra-phy on a topic of The Impact of Sports on Athletic Excellence or something around that.       Topic should be passionate and it is broad enough to find extensive research. This could be an extension of the research […]

Human beings are, for the most part, inherently gregarious people. This means that we like to group ourselves with others. From your own experiences, why do you think we are so likely to do so?Human beings are, for the most part, inherently gregarious people. This means that we like to group ourselves with others. From your own experiences, why do you think we are so likely to do so?

Human beings are, for the most part, inherently gregarious people. This means that we like to group ourselves with others. From your own experiences, why do you think we are so likely to do so? Describe what it is like to be a Christian in a fast-paced, consumerist society.