Discipline: Writing

Web 2.0 and, specifically, social media, have drastically impacted the privacy of individuals.Web 2.0 and, specifically, social media, have drastically impacted the privacy of individuals.

Length: 4-6 pages   3 valid, scholarly sources required   APA  Works Cited Page Required (be sure to check order, formatting, and the information you include). You may a handbook or The OWL at Purdue website for guidelines   Remember that all information from research MUST be cited in the body of your essay   […]

essay on bell hooks, “Theory as Liberatory Practice,” Yale Journal of Law and Feminism, Vol. 4, No. 1, (1991), pp. 59-75.essay on bell hooks, “Theory as Liberatory Practice,” Yale Journal of Law and Feminism, Vol. 4, No. 1, (1991), pp. 59-75.

Consider the author(s) choice of words. — What are the points being made, and what is the overall message? — What is behind the points and behind the message? — What is in the mind of the writer of the piece? To know this, you must suspend, for a time, your reactions to the author(s). […]

Write an essay about whether public servants should be held to higher standards than the rest of usWrite an essay about whether public servants should be held to higher standards than the rest of us

Write an essay about whether public servants should be held to higher standards than the rest of us. Touch on the following questions in your response: Should we be concerned about a politician who has extramarital affairs? Drinks to excess? Gambles? Uses drugs? Abuses his or her spouse? What if the person is a police […]

My Personal Values, Beliefs, and Biases–the Potential Effect They Could Have on the Standard of Care Provide as a Support Service WorkerMy Personal Values, Beliefs, and Biases–the Potential Effect They Could Have on the Standard of Care Provide as a Support Service Worker

Imagine you are dealing with a troublesome justice-involved client. Your supervisor is concerned about your ability to maintain professional ethics when you have conflicting personal values. Before you engage with the client, your supervisor asks you to write a self-assessment to ensure you can deliver quality care.   Write a 700- to 1,050-word self-assessment of […]

Sugar, Plant Based Diet, Cosmetics, Plastics, Microfibers, Fast Fashion/Slow Fashion, Sleep and College Students, Student Loan Debt, Distracted Driving, or Social MediaSugar, Plant Based Diet, Cosmetics, Plastics, Microfibers, Fast Fashion/Slow Fashion, Sleep and College Students, Student Loan Debt, Distracted Driving, or Social Media

You pick which one you think is easier. This assignment places emphasis on taking an arguable position, based on one’s own experience, and supporting that position with reasons gathered from what one has experienced and observed and from three sources selected from the list of readings found on the next page in this assignment module. […]

Choose two poems from the pdf and write a 3-page-long essay in which you engage with both poems and compare them.Choose two poems from the pdf and write a 3-page-long essay in which you engage with both poems and compare them.

Choose two poems and write a 3-page-long essay in which you engage with both poems and compare them. Analyze the poems themselves, compare the two, and explore how they deal with different personal and social issues. Think about how they use language creatively, how they use imagery and sound. Use evidence from the poems to support your arguments, and […]

Discuss Experience, Interpretation and Evaluate a poem/song. Discuss literary elements and devices used.Discuss Experience, Interpretation and Evaluate a poem/song. Discuss literary elements and devices used.

Ready to write Essay #1? Essay #1 is designed to help you demonstrate the tools you worked with in Module 2 on poetry and song.   
 If you are turning in your essay and the submission portal is closed, contact me through the InBox. I’ll open the Module for Late Submissions  
 Learning […]

Research Paper on the history of processed foods and their affects on the modern American diet.Research Paper on the history of processed foods and their affects on the modern American diet.

Here is my thesis. “During the late 19th and early 20th centuries the emergence of processed foods and innovations in food preservation and refrigeration marked a significant shift in dietary patterns. These historical developments shaped generational eating habits among Americans as processed foods became increasingly prevalent, contributing to contemporary health challenges. The evolution of processed foods and their impact […]

This report will showcase your interest and knowledge about a key issue in your field and demonstrate your written communication skills through a high-quality technical report produced for a specific audience.This report will showcase your interest and knowledge about a key issue in your field and demonstrate your written communication skills through a high-quality technical report produced for a specific audience.

The Course Project for ENG151 is a Technical Writing Informative Report on a topic in your chosen profession. This report will showcase your interest and knowledge about a key issue in your field and demonstrate your written communication skills through a high-quality technical report produced for a specific audience.  This week, you will submit your […]

Cause and Effect (Why do marriages between teenagers fail more often than marriages between people in other age groups?)Cause and Effect (Why do marriages between teenagers fail more often than marriages between people in other age groups?)

·        Develop an essay developed by analyzing causes or effects or the prompt ·        Decide on something you care about so that the narration is a means of communicating an idea ·        Include characters, conflict, sensory details as appropriate to help your essay come alive ·        Create a sequence of events in a plot to […]