Discipline: Writing

Find a current event article based on the medical field that you would like to analyze for your assignment.Find a current event article based on the medical field that you would like to analyze for your assignment.

Once you have selected your article, answer the following questions What is the context, audience, and purpose of the argument you selected? Is it a compelling argument? Why or why not? Does the author utilize the three appeals? Provide an example from the argument of at least one instance of ethos, pathos, and logos. All […]

What are some ways the U.S. government (including the President) have done a good job or a bad job in dealing with race relations in America? (Again, choose one side or the other if you select this question).What are some ways the U.S. government (including the President) have done a good job or a bad job in dealing with race relations in America? (Again, choose one side or the other if you select this question).

The word “you” cannot be used. 4 paragraphs are required with each being a 1/2 page long.  Below are the directions for said essay if needed. Spelling penalties still apply.  Five spelling mistakes is an F.  Do not use statistics or the Internet for this paper.  Write the paper from your own experience.  Do not use the word “you” in this […]

What does Beowulf (or The Canterbury Tales, or Sir Gawain and the Green Knight) mean?What does Beowulf (or The Canterbury Tales, or Sir Gawain and the Green Knight) mean?

What does Beowulf (or The Canterbury Tales, or Sir Gawain and the Green Knight) mean? Choose one text we’ve read so far and one specific literary device[i] and trace its development throughout the work, noting examples and analyzing their meaning as part of the text’s overall effect on you as a reader. Write a thesis-centered […]

“About the Concept of the ‘Dangerous Individual’ in Nineteenth-century Legal Psychiatry,” Michel Foucault“About the Concept of the ‘Dangerous Individual’ in Nineteenth-century Legal Psychiatry,” Michel Foucault

“This assignment is to write an analytic essay in this context, means an objective, neutral, rhetorical style —that attempts to present the argument persuasively with the absence of a personal claims. In “About the Concept of the ‘Dangerous Individual’ in Nineteenth-century Legal Psychiatry,” by Michel Foucault provides a historical account of the institutionalization of the “Ad-Hominem Fallacy,” within the […]

A significant theme or topic from the poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. EliotA significant theme or topic from the poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. Eliot

write a essay on a significant theme OR topic from the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Eliot. Include an annotated bibliography with 10 sources of your theme. and a 1 page introduction.  An example is: A significant theme in ″The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock″ by T.S. Eliot […]

statement of at least 300 words explaining your interest in QBIC and how you envision your academic career in five years.statement of at least 300 words explaining your interest in QBIC and how you envision your academic career in five years.

The QBIC program is a quatifiying biology in the classoom program that is offered in Florida INternational Univeristy.  It emphasizes the study of living systems while providing students the tools to critically evaluate biological concepts. My interest in the program is the small classes rather than auditorium-style lectures. The QBIC-paid tutors available and QBIC-only student space/study room. All these opportunities […]

the importance of training, professional development, and performance management for your organization. Create a PowerPoint that explains:the importance of training, professional development, and performance management for your organization. Create a PowerPoint that explains:

Your submission includes specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements to demonstrate mastery of the objective. Your submission includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. Your response is in Standard English and demonstrates superior organization. Your communication is highly ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your submission displays exceptional […]

Essay Prompt Janet L. Kuhn left behind a great legacy of lifelong learning and helping others. What would you like your legacy to be? How do you plan to make that mark on your community?Essay Prompt Janet L. Kuhn left behind a great legacy of lifelong learning and helping others. What would you like your legacy to be? How do you plan to make that mark on your community?

Essay Prompt Janet L. Kuhn left behind a great legacy of lifelong learning and helping others. What would you like your legacy to be? How do you plan to make that mark on your community? Double Your $2,500 or $5,000 scholarship with The Janet L. Kuhn Scholarship The Janet L. Kuhn Scholarship provides an opportunity […]

Tell Colonel Sanders which KFC menu item describes you best and why. He also wants to know what your slogan would be for this menu item. Example: KFC’s current slogan is “Finger Lickin’ Good”Tell Colonel Sanders which KFC menu item describes you best and why. He also wants to know what your slogan would be for this menu item. Example: KFC’s current slogan is “Finger Lickin’ Good”

mi name is Milton Espinoza and position is cashier , Prompt In a video or written essay: Tell Colonel Sanders which KFC menu item describes you best and why. He also wants to know what your slogan would be for this menu item. Example: KFC’s current slogan is “Finger Lickin’ Good” Be sure to include […]

Speaking Arabic is not just words for Emiratis; it’s our identity. It shows where we’re from, and what we believe, and shapes how we see things.Speaking Arabic is not just words for Emiratis; it’s our identity. It shows where we’re from, and what we believe, and shapes how we see things.

Writing Journal 2 (WJ2) is an assignment divided into two tasks: an annotated bibliography and an essay outline. It represents 10% of the final grade. Template: (IMPORTANT: Download the template to your computer. After completing it, save it as a PDF, and upload it to Forum. You must upload your work as a PDF. Any other […]