Discipline: Writing

Your goal is to rhetorically analyze two argumentative articles within your issue ”Health and Wellness”. You will find two argumentative texts and analyze each using the rhetorical terminology covered in workshop. 1.Your goal is to rhetorically analyze two argumentative articles within your issue ”Health and Wellness”. You will find two argumentative texts and analyze each using the rhetorical terminology covered in workshop. 1.

1. You do not have to use all the rhetorica terms, but the bulk of your paper should be focused on these concepts. Your analysis should consider ways that each text goes about attempting to convience it’s audience to agree with its claim. 2. You are free to evalute the quality of each argument, it’s […]

What are the risks and benefits of steroids and how much more common will they become in sports?What are the risks and benefits of steroids and how much more common will they become in sports?

Write a research paper using evidence to support a thesis that addresses your research question examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. The audience is people who are generally educated but do not have extensive knowledge of your field or topic. Grading This assignment is […]

The issue at hand explores the multifaceted portrayal of individuals with intellectual disabilities in media, focusing on representation, stereotypes, visibility, and its impact on societal attitudes and self-perception.The issue at hand explores the multifaceted portrayal of individuals with intellectual disabilities in media, focusing on representation, stereotypes, visibility, and its impact on societal attitudes and self-perception.

This exploratory essay asks that you continue practicing the skills we have worked on in rhetorical analysis and explore new skills we’ve reviewed related to performing research, demonstrating information literacy, and attempting to synthesize your ideas with those you encounter in research.   You will explore your disability studies issue and the arguments, opinions, and information around […]

Describe your perfect college, Consider activities to foster friendships, courses that support your individual learning needs, comfortable beds, excellent food, modern gym, and/or speakers and musicians performing on campus.Describe your perfect college, Consider activities to foster friendships, courses that support your individual learning needs, comfortable beds, excellent food, modern gym, and/or speakers and musicians performing on campus.

Within this assignment it has to be in MLA format (size 12 font, Times New Roman, and double spaced), The reference material comes from the book of College: A Reader for Writers, Todd James Pierce. ISBN-978-0-19-027995-0 the story in the book is called “The Comforable Kid”. within this essay I would have to write and consider activities […]

To what extent are Orwell (Politics and the English Language) and Vershawn Ashanti Young (Should Writers Use They Own English) in agreement about the state of language, and in what way? What concerns, solutions, and methods do they share?To what extent are Orwell (Politics and the English Language) and Vershawn Ashanti Young (Should Writers Use They Own English) in agreement about the state of language, and in what way? What concerns, solutions, and methods do they share?

Need to use both essays to write research paper (attached).  The instructions provided are below. 1) In the opening paragraph, this paper should have a strong, critical argument that goes beyond surface observations. Introduce the texts the paper will analyze.  2) The subsequent (body) paragraphs should analyze specific passages from your texts to demonstrate how […]

The Effects of Digital Addiction on Brain function and the mental well-being in ChildrenThe Effects of Digital Addiction on Brain function and the mental well-being in Children

I am requesting a well-written research paper, NO AI. Please follow all the instructions. I need a draft and an abstract to be submitted before the actual final paper. Also. I have a PowerPoint or oral presentation to be done on said paper. I have uploaded PDF files from which information should be gathered, from six […]

Effect of sleep and physical activity on mental health and wellbeing of studentsEffect of sleep and physical activity on mental health and wellbeing of students

an informative synthesis paper on a topic related to the wellbeing of collegestudents. The purpose of this essay is to inform your audience about a specific issue related toone of the considerations of wellbeing that are listed below. Please note that this is not apersuasive or argumentative essay. While you should use analysis in order […]

The negative implications/challenges of telehealth on strategy How to determine if telehealth should be implemented into strategy and, if so, how should it be implementedThe negative implications/challenges of telehealth on strategy How to determine if telehealth should be implemented into strategy and, if so, how should it be implemented

create a paper and PowerPoint on the topics below: The negative implications/challenges of telehealth on strategy How to determine if telehealth should be implemented into strategy and, if so, how should it be implemented You are required to include the following in your powerpoint /paper: There should be a minimum of 2 cited references from […]

compose a rhetorical analysis that explores the rhetorical choices and effectiveness of healthcare.govcompose a rhetorical analysis that explores the rhetorical choices and effectiveness of healthcare.gov

i am looking for the terms “ethos”, “pathos”, and “logos” in this essay I am looking for the terms “audience” and “rhetorical context / situation” I want you to focus heavily on whether the argument was made more or less effective by the rhetorical choices the author made.  Third Person pov please

Our modern world has changed considerably in the 700 years since Dante wrote The Divine Comedy.Our modern world has changed considerably in the 700 years since Dante wrote The Divine Comedy.

class Our modern world has changed considerably in the 700 years since Dante wrote The Divine Comedy. Bearing this in mind, your goal is to invent a new level of hell. In doing so, explain your rationale for this new level and, similar to Dante, explain how individuals placed in this level will be punished. […]