Discipline: Writing

Discussion Thread: Assessment of Programs and Services to Meet Accreditation RequirementsDiscussion Thread: Assessment of Programs and Services to Meet Accreditation Requirements

In your thread post, evaluate the process and major components of an academic program review by providing the following in your narrative discussion: Create examples of linking program learning outcomes to appropriate assignments and direct methods of assessment for residential and online academic programs. Create examples of using a national, and local, indirect method of […]

Research Paper: Liberal and General Education, Learning Experiences, and Assessments by Faculty AssignmentResearch Paper: Liberal and General Education, Learning Experiences, and Assessments by Faculty Assignment

To review the assignment information, click on the document name to view or download the document. Scroll to view or download the embedded rubric. Research Paper: Liberal and General Education, Learning Experiences, and Assessments by Faculty Assignment InstructionsDownload Research Paper: Liberal and General Education, Learning Experiences, and Assessments by Faculty Assignment Instructions Note: Your assignment […]

Navigating Remote Work Policies: A Comparative Workplace Issue in the Post-COVID EraNavigating Remote Work Policies: A Comparative Workplace Issue in the Post-COVID Era

Instructions for Writing the Second Draft of the Assignment: 1. Professor Topf’s Feedback: Topic Adjustment: The original topic was good but too broad. It proposed an ambitious empirical research paper that would be interesting as a case study, but it’s beyond the scope of the course. The focus should be narrowed down to a specific […]

Pursing Perfectionism: Compare and Contrast Essay between films The Black Swam and WhiplashPursing Perfectionism: Compare and Contrast Essay between films The Black Swam and Whiplash

Instructions: For this assignment, which is worth 15% of your final grade, you will make a comparative claim about Black Swan and Whiplash and analyze the contents of the films in a well-developed, cohesive essay. This essay is meant to introduce you to the critical thinking and analytical skills you will require for your final research project.  When selecting […]

The dangers of the combination of AI and human emotion in Ex Machina, along with the dangers of narcissim and obtaining too much power.The dangers of the combination of AI and human emotion in Ex Machina, along with the dangers of narcissim and obtaining too much power.

Thesis: Mainly through The Turing Test Scene (27:00-34:00) and The Escape Scene (1:18:00-1:25:00), this essay will explore the dangers of combining AI and human emotion, as well as the adverse effects of narcissism and the possession of too much power, represented through the events of Ex Machina. This will be done by analyzing the two aforementioned […]

Did the invention of nuclear weapons constitute a ‘nuclear revolution’ in world politics?Did the invention of nuclear weapons constitute a ‘nuclear revolution’ in world politics?

The question is: Did the invention of nuclear weapons constitute a ‘nuclear revolution’ in world politics? Your answer should be no more than 1,000 words. It does not require an abstract, but it does require a bibliography (which is not part of the word count). You should email me your essay by 16:00. Please send […]

The stereotypes surrounding ADHD depicting individuals as lazy, undisciplined, or solely hyperactive are false and simplistic.The stereotypes surrounding ADHD depicting individuals as lazy, undisciplined, or solely hyperactive are false and simplistic.

Challenging the Stereotypes of ADHD Thesis Statement The stereotypes surrounding ADHD depicting individuals as lazy, undisciplined, or solely hyperactive are false and simplistic.    Annotated Bibliography  (use four quotes from those sources)   Barkley, Russell A. (2015). “ADHD in Adults: What the Science Says.” Guilford Publications.     – This book provides a comprehensive overview of ADHD […]

“Black mothers in the United States are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy related complications than their white counterparts.”“Black mothers in the United States are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy related complications than their white counterparts.”

Drawing on key concepts from Africana theories — such as Pan-Africanism, Black Marxism, Afro-Pessimism, Intersectionality, and decolonial thought — critically analyze how these theories can be applied to the following global headlines. In your essay, focus on the socio-political implications of these events and the extent to which Africana theories offer insights into both historical […]

Investigative Report on Four Oaks Pavilion: Addressing Noise, Traffic, and Public Relations IssuesInvestigative Report on Four Oaks Pavilion: Addressing Noise, Traffic, and Public Relations Issues

Many cities across the U.S. are developing entertainment districts or open air concert venues. Often these projects do not usually develop smoothly. As we have seen in one North Carolina city, despite good intentions, the amphitheater is in need of certain upgrades. To that end, City Council is looking to hire an outside consultant to […]

Literacy Across the Curriculum, Language and Literacy (LL) Lesson Plan, Math (CM) Lesson Plan,Literacy Across the Curriculum, Language and Literacy (LL) Lesson Plan, Math (CM) Lesson Plan,

Literacy Across the Curriculum 10 pts O Not Submitted Submission & Rubric > Due Oct 2, 2024 at 11:59 PM Reminder Add due date reminder notifications about this assignment on this device. Submission Types Discussion Comment Description Sep 13, 2024 at 1:39 PM Think of ways in which you could include literacy in the following […]