17 Short Answer Questions on Determining Feasability lesson from Intro to Entrepenuership

You can provide the answers in a word document. Questions below: 

1. What do studies like the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Global Report have to say about failing firms, entrepreneurship, and motivation? Write a one-paragraph response and add an explanation of whether you agree or disagree with their findings.

2. In a paragraph, define and describe entrepreneurship.

3. Identify and define the four main characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.

4. Define entrepreneurial effectiveness; then list at least three things that illustrate this in an entrepreneur.

5. Write one-paragraph defining the entrepreneurial term “feasibility study.”

6. Write one-paragraph defining the entrepreneurial term “feasibility study.”

7. When looking at information sources for a feasibility analysis, an entrepreneur wants to use databases. Provide an example of a likely database and explain the information they could find here.

8. Explain what a capital requirement is when looking at a feasibility analysis. Provide examples of what items might be included in the capital requirement.

9. Provide examples of psychological barriers to reaching your customers. How and why are these important to a feasibility analysis?

10. Explain the opportunity rationale for an entrepreneur pushing into an overseas market.

11. List all seven pitfalls to avoid when pursuing a successful international expansion. Define three of your list of seven.

12. Are failures and setbacks a good or bad thing to experience in business? What business value can be found in these situations?

13. Define trade risk in an international business setting. Explain by using at least one example.

14. Explain and provide details of how raw materials and political risk are linked in an international business setting.

15. Write a paragraph supporting the following statement: “Entrepreneurship is crucial for economic development around the world.”

16. Reducing the friction of ___________ is very important in developing financial markets because barriers to ___________ remain quite high.

17. Explain why mobile technology is not the only element needed for global entrepreneurial success.

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