Link provided in task :
Several of you have questions about the format and content. Thank you!
You may use the bullet format as in the assignment’s 10 aspects that I request information from you. With each you supply specific content from the documentary film.
This assignment is worth 20 points so your 3-4 sentences or short paragraph to answer the 10 aspects in the assignment must have specific content from the film.
Helpful content, details from what the film is trying to share with us, for example shaping of the Olduvai stone tool was shown by… three flat sides are not accidental but chosen.. What you learn from the film or the scholar.. for these 10 aspects.
Please do not generalize – listen carefully and use their content, the parts that you understand. For example, the rift valley is very important as the pulling apart of the land created the valley, and pressures for the volcanoes and…
This is not a paper or report or summary – too general.
We look for and target specific clues, evidence or new conclusions based on… We are informed audience, learning from the film and the scholars/scientists who are sharing their new discoveries, ideas and conclusions-changes in interpretation.
You may use the bullet format as in the assignment’s 10 aspects that I request information from you. With each you supply specific content from the documentary film.
This assignment is worth 20 points so your 3-4 sentences or short paragraph to answer the 10 aspects in the assignment must have specific content from the film.
Helpful content, details from what the film is trying to share with us, for example shaping of the Olduvai stone tool was shown by… three flat sides are not accidental but chosen.. What you learn from the film or the scholar.. for these 10 aspects.
Please do not generalize – listen carefully and use their content, the parts that you understand. For example, the rift valley is very important as the pulling apart of the land created the valley, and pressures for the volcanoes and…
This is not a paper or report or summary – too general.
We look for and target specific clues, evidence or new conclusions based on… We are informed audience, learning from the film and the scholars/scientists who are sharing their new discoveries, ideas and conclusions-changes in interpretation.