24 assignments for Homeland Security (13 papers + 11 discussions on a weekly basis)

From all my assignments it should be a discussion on wednesday and an essay on sturday

Feb 7th 5 pm : Homeland security legislation has been integrated into the responsive process to terrorist threats. Such statutory initiatives are fundamental components for framing homeland security environments in the modern era. Some critics argue that these measures are too broad, whereas supporters insist that they are necessary for creating a legal framework to respond to verifiable terrorist threats.


Are extra-legal counterterrorist options sometimes justifiable? Why or why not?
State your position by defending or utilizing such action?
Should new terrorist threats or incidents drive new legislative initiatives?
Remember to provide supporting evidence in the form of citations and references from outside research. Respond to at least two of your peers.

YOUR ROLE: Students are expected to submit one main response (with citations and references) to the discussion board topic and also are expected to respond to at least two other students (with citations and references.

Your main response should be at least 250 words. (Yes, I will check.)

You should conduct outside research for scholarly sources, which will be cited and referenced in your posts.

(due Feb 10th 8pm) Discuss International conventions and domestic legislation questions below.

3-4 page paper, include title and reference pages (do not count towards page count). Conduct outside research, provide citations and references per APA. Opinions are always supported by evidence and should be presented in third person narrative.

Is the USA PATRIOT Act a necessary law?
Explain why the USA PATRIOT Act is subject to periodic reauthorization.
In your opinion, are U.S. anti-terrorist laws and conventions legal?
Include title and reference pages (do not count towards page count). Conduct outside research, provide citations and references per APA. Opinions should be supported by evidence and written in third person narrative.

SUPPORT YOUR OPINION with research! Use credible sources! Cite your sources!

Feb 14th 5pm : It can be argued that civil liberty considerations are largely a moral debate about norms of justice in civil society-in other words, whether a just society should suspend its norms of justice when challenged by real and imminent danger from violent extremists.

Consider the following scenario: A terrorist cell had been active in several cities in the United States. They have carried out bombings and acts of sabotage, including a hostage crisis at a school. There is every expectation that the group will continue its operations. Law enforcement officials have captured a member of the cell in an apartment apparently used as a “bomb factory” and it is evident that the suspect is a master bomb maker. The suspect refuses to reveal any information about his comrades, where completed bombs may have been sent, or where the next intended targets will be attacked. Lives are clearly at stake, and time is of the essence.


Considering the ruthlessness of the terrorists, are extraordinary renditions an acceptable counterterrorist option?
Which interrogation techniques are acceptable in this situation from a homeland security perspective?
Explain your answers.
What could be some of the civil liberties consequences in in areas where the terrorists may be located?
Should the captured of the suspects allow for due process protections under the law to be suspended? Why or Why not?
Remember to provide supporting evidence in the form of citations and references from outside research. Respond to at least two of your peers.

YOUR ROLE: Students are expected to submit one main response (with citations and references) to the discussion board topic and also are expected to respond to at least two other students (with citations and references.

Your main response should be at least 250 words. (Yes, I will check.)

You should conduct outside research for scholarly sources, which will be cited and referenced in your posts.

Due Feb 17 8pm In your paper (3 to 4 pages) compare and contrast both sides of the civil liberty and homeland security debate.

Is there danger in governmental uses of surveillance technologies?
What impact, if any, do you expect this to have on society? Explain your answer.
Research from outside sources, title and reference pages are not included in page count. Use citations and references per APA. Even “opinions” are supported by evidence and should be written in third person narrative.

Feb 21st 5 pm Side PanelExpand side panel
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Chapter 5 Discussion Forum

Read the following scenario, then answer the questions below: Jade Helm 15 was a multistate military training exercise that began on July 15, 2015 and ended on September 15, 2015. The exercise was a training operation in unconventional warfare for members of the U.S. Army’s Special Operations Command and the Joint Special Operations Command. It took place across several states, including Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Texas and Utah.

As for planning for Jade Helm 15 progressed and the operation began, strong public opposition to the exercise arose from some quarters, including citizen groups, tabloid media and politicians. Interestingly, much of the opposition was predicted on the notion that the exercise was not simply a training operation but was, in fact, a federal crackdown in support of an international takeover. Elaborate conspiracy rumors included allegations of planned federal seizures of firearms, declarations of martial law, the stockpiling of weapons for Chinese soldiers in closed Walmart stores, closed Walmart stores being prepared for FEMA detention centers, the rounding up of political opponents, and preparations made for an invasion of Texas.

Other similar conspiracy rumors were also spread. The governor of Texas ordered the Texas State Guard to monitor the exercise to ensure that there were no violations of constitutional rights and liberties of residents.

In the end, Jade Helm 15 took place within its declared schedule, and none of the feared events occurred.


How should institutions such as the Department of Defense prepare the public for training exercises in their communities?
Are law enforcement agencies adequately equipped to monitor extremists and predict terrorist incidents in the U.S.?
Explain why or why not.
How has the New Terrorism affected and redefined how the U.S. pursue Anti terrorism options?
What measures should be taken to ensure collaboration and coordination between national and local homeland security institutions?
Remember to provide supporting evidence in the form of citations and references from outside research. Respond to at least two of your peers.

YOUR ROLE: Students are expected to submit one main response (with citations and references) to the discussion board topic and also are expected to respond to at least two other students (with citations and references.

Your main response should be at least 250 words.

Due FEB 24 8pmIn 3-4 pages, answer the questions concerning the role of Federal Agencies in Designing a Nationwide Homeland Security Enterprise:

Describe and critique the many missions of the Department of Homeland Security.
Are law enforcement agencies adequately equipped to monitor extremists and predict terrorist incidents? Explain why or why not.
Remember to conduct research from credible sources (scholarly), no news websites or articles. Support your opinions with evidence and written in third person narrative. Cite and reference your sources per APA.

Feb 28 5pm :The collection of intelligence is an imperative component for counterterrorism operations and homeland security. The significance of intelligence was greatly identified after the events of 9/11. To secure our domestic freedom, effective intelligence gathering within and outside our borders is vital to safety and protection of people in United States. The current Intelligence Community (IC) includes 17 federal and defense agencies. Their primary mission is to gather information that can be employed to keep the United States. This is accomplished by high-quality intelligence collection and analysis to supports preventing terrorists from committing attacks against the U.S. interests around the world and at home on American soil. The evolution of the modern intelligence gathering has been part of critical discussions in the last decade. Intelligence oversight is an imperative so that freedoms are not impeded.

Explain how the intelligence community’s bureaucracy is effective.
Discuss how the intelligence community’s bureaucracy is unwieldy.
Is the intelligence community properly adaptable for countering the new form of warfare posed by modern terrorists?
Remember to provide supporting evidence in the form of citations and

references from outside research. Respond to at least two of your peers.

YOUR ROLE: Students are expected to submit one main response (with citations and references) to the discussion board topic and also are expected to respond to at least two other students (with citations and references.

Your main response should be at least 250 words. (Yes, I will check.)

You should conduct outside research for scholarly sources, which will be cited and referenced in your posts.

Due March 2nd 8pm Compare and contrast the intelligence community agencies using the following factors:

How are the missions of all the intelligence agencies and how they are similar?
Describe and critique the process of intelligence collection.
3-4 pages, plus title and reference pages (do not count towards page count). Conduct outside research, provide citations and references per APA. Opinions should be supported by evidence and written in third person narrative.

March 6th 5pm : The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force Model (JTTFs) are a nationwide network of local, state and federal responders who collaborate on terrorism related homeland security issues. They have effectively thwarted verifiable terrorist conspiracies prior to the initiation of the attacks. Examples of successful investigations include the following:

New York JTTF has been the model for more than 40 years, preventing potential attacks around the world.
Breaking up cells like the Portland Seven, and the Northern Virginia jihad.
Foiled an attack on the Fort Dix army base in New Jersey
Foiled an attack on JFK International Airport in New York City
Achievements such as the foregoing are cited as examples of how interagency collaboration is an effective counterterrorist homeland security model. Intelligence gathering is vital to the success of JTTF groups and others in the intelligence community.

Discussion Questions:

Should some agencies have priority authority in JTTF collaboration? If so, which ones?
If not, why?
How are the missions of the U.S. intelligence agencies similar and support the local JTTF’s?
Remember to provide supporting evidence in the form of citations and references from outside research. Respond to at least two of your peers.

YOUR ROLE: Students are expected to submit one main response (with citations and references) to the discussion board topic and also are expected to respond to at least two other students (with citations and references.

Your main response should be at least 250 words. (Yes, I will check.)

You should conduct outside research for scholarly sources, which will be cited and referenced in your posts.

Due march 9 8pm Compare and contrast the intelligence community agencies using the following factors:

Describe and critique the process of intelligence collection.
Explain how the intelligence community’s bureaucracy is effective.
In your opinion, are any of these organizations too diverse? Should they be more centralized or less?
3-4 pages, plus title and reference pages (do not count towards page count). Conduct outside research, provide citations and references per APA. Opinions should be supported by evidence and written in third person narrative.

March 13th 5pm : Most religious traditions have produced some extremist movements whose members believe their faith and value system is superior to other beliefs. This concept of the “one true faith “has been used by many fundamentalists over the centuries to justify violent xenophobia on behalf of their religion. Religious terrorists are modern displays of historical traditions of radicalism within the world’s major faiths.

Modern religious extremism is arguably rooted in faith-based natural law. Natural law is a philosophical “higher law” that is theoretically discoverable through human reason and references to moral traditions and religious texts. Moreover, most religious texts have passages that can be selectively construed to encourage extremist intolerance. To religious extremist, it is God’s law that has been revealed to and properly interpreted by their extremist crusade.

In the United States, government response to the problem of religious extremism is fraught with politically and socially sensitive issues. Religion is protected by the first amendment in the U.S. Constitution. Nevertheless, local law enforcement agencies, such as the NYPD, and federal agencies, such as the FBI, have engaged in monitoring activities directed against some religious institutions.


Is faith-motivated activism a constructive force for change?
At what point does the character of faith-motivated activism become extremist and terrorist.
Does faith-based natural law justify acts of violence?
What, if any, policies should be adopted by law enforcement agencies to monitor religious institutions?
Remember to provide supporting evidence in the form of citations and references from outside research. Respond to at least two of your peers.

YOUR ROLE: Students are expected to submit one main response (with citations and references) to the discussion board topic and also are expected to respond to at least two other students (with citations and references.

Your main response should be at least 250 words. (Yes, I will check.)

You should conduct outside research for scholarly sources, which will be cited and referenced in your posts.

March 20th 5pm The subject of domestic terrorism in the United States is arguably a study in individual political violence. Indigenous terrorist groups reflected the American political and social environments during historical periods when extremist chose to engage in political violence.

Today we see the future of the U.S., left wing and right-wing political violence growing from very different circumstances. The political discord of 2020 has created a unique future for U.S. homeland-based violence. Leftists violence evolved from a uniquely American social environment that produced the civil rights, Black Power, and New Left movements. Rightist violence grew out of a combination of historical racial and nativist hostility combined with modern claims of religious and antigovernment principles.

In the early years of the 21st century, threats continued to arise from right- wing anti-government and radical supremacist extremist. Potential violence from leftist extremist remained low in comparison with the right. The September 11, 2001, attacks created a new security environment with an international dimension. The question of terrorism originating from domestic sources inspired by international events and ideologies became very plausible. As 2020 has ended, the possibility for right- wing anti-government groups may begin to rise up. Leftist extremist has been present and could grow in the next few years based on the political environment.


Compare and contrast the elements of left-wing and right-wing extremism in the United States.
Compare and contrast the Patriot movement with the religious and racial supremacist right.
Discuss the evolution of the neo-Nazi movement in the United States and whether you imagine it will or will not be an matter in the near future.​

Remember to provide supporting evidence in the form of citations and references from outside research. Respond to at least two of your peers.

YOUR ROLE: Students are expected to submit one main response (with citations and references) to the discussion board topic and also are expected to respond to at least two other students (with citations and references.

Your main response should be at least 250 words. (Yes, I will check.)

You should conduct outside research for scholarly sources, which will be cited and referenced in your posts.

due March 23rd 8 pm Describe the Cold War terrorist networking theory. Compare and contrast this understanding of terrorist networks with today’s terrorist networks.
Described in detail the attributes of the “Old Terrorism” profile.
In addition, describe the elements of the New Terrorism profile.
3-4 pages, plus title and reference pages (do not count towards page count). Conduct outside research, provide citations and references per APA. Opinions should be supported by evidence and written in third person narrative.

MArch 27th 5pm: Countless millions of cargo containers are transported each year on seaborne carriers. These containers are unloaded at ports around the world and the U.S. In addition, the U.S. borders have been termed as too porous at times. The terrorist threat scenario is clear and uncomplicated: Weapons of Mass Destruction and other explosives threats could conceivably be hidden and brought into our country thru many different methods. The likelihood of this threat suggests the opportunities for weapon of mass destruction being introduced into the American Homeland.


What options exist for securing U.S. borders? Discuss which option or options you think are most effective.
Critically discuss plausible threats to port security. Why have terrorists tended to not attack ports?
Critically assess the threat posed by crime and insecurity on the southern border of the United States.
Remember to provide supporting evidence in the form of citations and references from outside research. Respond to at least two of your peers.

YOUR ROLE: Students are expected to submit one main response (with citations and references) to the discussion board topic and also are expected to respond to at least two other students (with citations and references.

Your main response should be at least 250 words. (Yes, I will check.)

You should conduct outside research for scholarly sources, which will be cited and referenced in your posts.

due MArch 30 8pm Give an example of a lone wolf terrorist in the United States and link the individual to extremist beliefs or groups to which they ascribed.
Discuss the effect of conspiracy theories on perpetuating far and fringe right movements. Why do you think conspiracy theories persist in the United States and how does it affect extremist activities?
3-4 pages, plus title and reference pages (do not count towards page count). Conduct outside research, provide citations and references per APA. Opinions should be supported by evidence and written in third person narrative.

April 1st 5pm: Some terrorist movements operate exclusively on an international scale and have little or no domestic presence in a home country. There are different reasons for this strategy: Some groups promote a global ideological agenda that requires them to fight on behalf of a vague concept of the oppressed of the world. Other groups operate within an environment that mandates as a matter of practically that they operate internationally. They strike from operational havens across state borders and often move around from country to country.

These movements are essentially stateless, in the sense they have no particular home country they seek to liberate. Among these stateless extremist movements are secular ideological revolutionaries, sectarian radicals fighting on behalf of a faith, and representatives of stateless ethnonational groups.


How should domestic agencies with homeland security duties prepare for the possibility of incidents from stateless revolutionaries?
When a domestic incident occurs what response by federal domestic security agencies should be implemented?
What measures should be taken to ensure collaboration and coordination between national defense and homeland security institutions?
How should the United States deploy its military to counter the threat from stateless revolutionaries?
Which agencies should have priority authority in designing policies to counter the threat from stateless revolutionaries?
Remember to provide supporting evidence in the form of citations and references from outside research. Respond to at least two of your peers.

YOUR ROLE: Students are expected to submit one main response (with citations and references) to the discussion board topic and also are expected to respond to at least two other students (with citations and references.

Your main response should be at least 250 words. (Yes, I will check.)

You should conduct outside research for scholarly sources, which will be cited and referenced in your posts.

due April 6 8 pm It has been 20 years since the 9/11 terror attack. Discuss the reasons for why violent extremists in the modern era have specifically selected airline targets for terrorist attacks.
In your opinion, how effective are the federal agencies responsible for airline security. Do they reflect professionally credible approaches to securing the airlines in the U.S. post 9/11? What suggestions would you implement if conceivable?
3-4 pages, plus title and reference pages (do not count towards page count). Conduct outside research, provide citations and references per APA. Opinions should be supported by evidence and written in third person narrative.

April 8th 5pm: The use of weapons of mass destruction by terrorists represents a threat scenario of extreme concern for policymakers and the general public. Weaponized chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear devices have the potential to cause widespread damage and mass casualties. Even in the event that the use of such weapons does not result in great loss of life or infrastructure damage, the mere use of these weapons would cause widespread fear and disruption. The challenge for policymakers is the extent to which such an incident can be prepared for and mitigated.


In your opinion, how secure is the nation from the deployment of biological hazards by violent extremists?
In your opinion, what is the most likely scenario for the use of nuclear weapons? What homeland security strategies can help protect citizens from this risk?

Can emergency medical systems cope with biological or nuclear mass-casualty attacks?
Remember to provide supporting evidence in the form of citations and references from outside research. Respond to at least two of your peers.

YOUR ROLE: Students are expected to submit one main response (with citations and references) to the discussion board topic and also are expected to respond to at least two other students (with citations and references.

Your main response should be at least 250 words. (Yes, I will check.)

You should conduct outside research for scholarly sources, which will be cited and referenced in your posts.

Due April 13 8pm: Give a few examples of how engineering and urban design can harden potential critical infrastructure targets.
What are transportation choke points, and what risks they pose to exposing passengers to attack?
In your opinion, what is the most vulnerable category of potential targets?
3-4 pages, plus title and reference pages (do not count towards page count). Conduct outside research, provide citations and references per APA. Opinions should be supported by evidence and written in third person narrative.

april 17th 5 pm: FEMA encourages the creation of state and local response and incident command structures. FEMA also recommends the adoption of a joint federal, state and local unified coordination staff configuration. These recommendations represent a concerted effort to establish nationwide response and recovery protocols and structures.

Absent the adoption of nationally accepted protocols and command structures, the administrative complexities of coordination command and response measures could become disjointed following terrorist events. For these reasons, recommended procedures under the National Response Framework are an important resource for state and local authorities to create coordinated protocols.


In your opinion, what is the greatest challenge to the effectiveness of local-level response and recovery planning?
In your opinion, has the national response framework been successful?
How can federal agencies best be used to assist state and local authorities to prepare for and respond to terrorist threats?

Remember to provide supporting evidence in the form of citations and references from outside research. Respond to at least two of your peers.

YOUR ROLE: Students are expected to submit one main response (with citations and references) to the discussion board topic and also are expected to respond to at least two other students (with citations and references.

Your main response should be at least 250 words. (Yes, I will check.)

You should conduct outside research for scholarly sources, which will be cited and referenced in your posts.

due April 20 8 pm: Critically assess the utility of guidelines such as the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Does NIMS offer useful policy suggestions?
Explain why health and medical preparedness is necessary for homeland security and consider the 2020 pandemic in your discussion.
3-4 pages, plus title and reference pages (do not count towards page count). Conduct outside research, provide citations and references per APA. Opinions should be supported by evidence and written in third person narrative.

due April 27 8 pm: National Response and Recovery Protocols

Are presidential declarations an effective means to deliver needed services after a disaster? Explain your answer. Include a discuss about the National Preparedness Goal and whether it is feasible to achieve it.
In your opinion, how effective are national protocols? Should additional command and response structures be recommended? Explain your answer.
3-4 pages, plus title and reference pages (do not count towards page count). Conduct outside research, provide citations and references per APA. Opinions should be supported by evidence and written in third person narrative.

Due MAy 4th: Answer the following questions concerning the Future of Homeland Security and Terrorism:

Describe the importance of international collaboration on counterterrorism efforts.
Are there certain trends in the modern homeland security environment that portend successful homeland security vigilance against terrorist incidents?
In your opinion, how effective are homeland security procedures in anticipating terrorist behavior?
3-4 pages, plus title and reference pages (do not count towards page count). Conduct outside research, provide citations and references per APA. Opinions should be supported by evidence and written in third person narrative.

Due may 9th 8pm: You are to write a research paper (1200-1500 words) answering the following question:

What is a “Dirty Bomb?”

First you are to visit the BBC News documentary and in-depth report on dirty bombs.

Review the black scenarios and discuss the potential of such event occurring within the homeland of the United States. What can be done to predict and prevent such an event from occurring? Discuss the social and economic impact of such an event as well as the long-term effect on the psyche of the American public.

If a worst-nightmare scenario ever occurred, do you think that the U.S. government and public would continue to support individual freedoms as defined in the Constitution, or would there be calls to abandon the 200-year-old-document in face of one that is more realistic in a nuclear age threated by radical terrorists?

Remember to provide supporting evidence in the form of citations and references from outside research. You should conduct outside research for scholarly sources, which will be cited and referenced in your posts. Title and reference pages do not count towards the word count. Double-spaced and 12pt font.

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