The essay will have three parts to go through.
1. Which photo
and story from “The 9/11 Photos We Will Never Forget” (from –
see above) resonates with you and why? How and why does your chosen photo and
story connect with Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities AND Jennifer
Goods’s Photography and September 11th?
“Situate yourself” in Paragraph 1 (Who are you? Tell us how you enter
this conversation? Does your identity matter in your response? Why or why not?)—I am an Arab from a muslim country. (Male)
Describe your chosen image in 1 paragraph and then respond to
the rest of the question.
Write 3-4 more solid paragraphs and respond to the rest of the question.
Paraphrasing is fine, but a few good quotes will also
add to your grade.
Make it 200 words here!!!!
Part Two:
How does Jack Shaheen’ Reel Bad Arabs (video)
and The Oil War video that featured historian Andrew Bacevich help you
to better understand Anti-Arab racism and Islamaphobia in a post 9/11 US context?
Please foreground these 2 documentaries in your response.
Make it 250 words here!!!!!!!!!!
Link for (Reel Bad Arabs Movie):
Link for ( The Oil War):
Part Three:
What are your 3 main “take aways” from the documentary
We Are Many (2014) directed by Amir Amirani? (A “take away” is something
significant that you learned.) Why are these “take aways” important to you and
how and/or why are they connected to the post-9/11 era?
Tip: Writing about specific
scenes, people, and comments from the documentary will make your response
stronger. Thus, you will receive more points by engaging closely with the
documentary (rather than generalizing.) Make it 200 here!!!!!!!!
Link for (We are Many) :