I need 2 sources added to a completed paper. These are the notes of what needs to be changed: You demonstrated your ability to critically analyze academic journal articles. Information was carefully organized. Also, you evaluated the article by addressing how the article is relevant to your topic in the final research proposal. Indeed, your annotated bibliography contained an in-depth analysis and a comprehensive summary of each article chosen for your research topic (e.g., Starbucks ad styles in the US and Japan) and theories, which can, in turn, be helpful for the literature review section in your final paper.
Overall, I enjoyed reading your annotated bibliography assignment. In this annotated bibliography assignment, at least 1 article discussed the theoretical framework chosen for your research proposal. It was clear which article was focusing on the theories that you proposed in your topic assignment. You address how Hofstedeโs cultural dimensions are related to your hypotheses/research questions.
Also, you applied the theories, concepts, and terminologies from the articles in the paragraph analysis. You addressed how the summary and synthesis of the findings of reviewed articles informed your own hypotheses. You addressed how the findings of each article would be related to your topic and hypotheses/RQs.
No more than 2 articles should be from the list of the required readings in this class as shown in the annotated bibliography assignment guidelines, but all of your five articles were from the required readings in this class. It would be better if you searched for other articles for your topic such as food marketing, Japanese ads). You can use all 5 annotations from this assignment, or some of them, and add more annotations for your final paper. Please note that you should have at least 2 new annotations, at least 7 annotations in total, for the literature review section for the final paper.