- 1. Introduction – 10%
1.1 research question (primary argument)- explanatory, descriptive, predictive, prescriptive, normative (Choose one)
1.2 Significance (relevance)
1.3 scope & limitation (Global)
1.4 methods (qualitative)
2. Literature review-
2.1 Narrative, scope, systematic, meta-analysis (Choose one)
3.Theoretical framework-
3.1 modernization theory,
3.2 name a scholar (defining terms wealth & democracy)
3.3 correlations (what of wealth affects what of democracy) indicators- based on this scholars work
3.4 hypothesis measuring wealth with education and health care, and measuring democracy with participation and rule of law.
4. Theme one-
5. Theme two-
6.Conclusion – 10%
Review the main findings
Explain how you did it (hypothesis and methods) future research