I want my essay to be about NFL QB Jordan’s love of being a follower of Aaron Rodgers and how he became a starter. an essay on how Jordan’s love is a servant leader and follower. or if you have an idea of a great person who was a follower and servant leader
The essay must meet the following requirements:
(b) Font is Arial, 12pt.
(c) Use standard margins: One inch from the left, right, and bottom edges. Do not justify the right margins.
(d) Use double spacing.
(e) Utilize a graphic organizer. (Venn diagram)
(f) Employ the standard written English.
(g) Use the essay format.
(h) Provide a strong purpose statement at the beginning of the essay
(i) minimum of 30 words a sentences.
(j) 2 references
(k) no plagrism or Ai usage pls.
PURPOSE: The specific reason explaining why the document, correspondence, or report is necessary.
ANALYSIS: Breaking down a situation, concept, or argument into its individual parts to examine how they relate to
one another.
SYNTAX: Clear sentence structure using all parts of speech, especially the use of active voice constructions
instead of passive voice.
CONCISION: The ability to infuse the greatest amount of information into the least amount of words.
ACCURACY: Using flawless spelling, punctuation, grammar, and mechanics. Also, fairly representing credible
sources (citations) using course requirements.