- Develop Chapter 3, including target population, variables, data collection, and data analysis.
Using the attached Chapter 3 – Methods (TEMPLATE), write the methods section for your proposed research study. Remember most of you will do a systematic review for your capstone project, so you can use a systematic review as your type of study instead of a primary or secondary data analysis study. In this section of your proposal, you will include the following information:
- Introduction to the Problem (describes the design of the research used to answer the proposed hypothesis/es or research question(s), then present the subsequent subsections of the chapter)
- Hypothesis/es or Research Question(s) (restate the proposed hypotheses or research questions – word-for-word – from Chapter 1 in proper format)
- Description of the Participants (who is the target for your study, how they were selected, and why they were chosen)
- Instrumentation (description and history of any survey instruments or data sources used for the purpose of the study)
- Ethical Considerations (factors or conditions that may affect the data and are out of the researcher’s control)
Remember to cite/reference all outside works in proper APA style (7th edition).
I have attached all the chapters so far.