Week 8: SGP (5) APSGN & Obstructive Uropathy
The presentation should be a 20 to 25-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation, and can include pictures, diagrams, short YouTube videos, or any other material to cover the following 8 items:
The 8 Requirements for Each Presentation
1.Etiology & risk factors
2.Pathogenesis & molecular mechanisms of the disease process
6.Send a 4-question quiz to the instructor
3.Clinical Picture: S&S, sequelae, and complications
7.Send quiz questions and post on Canvas by Friday before class
4.Diagnosis: as well as screening and follow up tests
8.Lead a 5-minute discussion with class
This presentation should cover TWO topics: Acute Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis (APSGN) & Obstructive Uropathy.
Acute Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis (APSGN) in PEDIATRIC patients:
1. Etiology: group A beta hemolytic streptococcal infection followed by an autoimmune reaction.
2. Pathogenesis: the molecular mechanisms of the steps that follow the strep infection which lead to the development of glomerulonephritis as an autoimmune disorder.
3. Clinical picture: signs and symptoms of the condition, and possible complications.
4. Diagnosis: lab and other tests used to diagnose the condition.
Obstructive Uropathy:
1. Etiology: talk about the different causes that obstruct the urinary tract (stones, strictures, tumors, BPH); then focus on stones and BPH.
2. Pathogenesis: talk about types of stones and the risk factors of developing these different types of stones. Talk about BPH and the cellular/molecular mechanisms involved in the development of this condition.
3. Clinical picture: signs and symptoms of urinary tract stones and BPH as well as their complications.
4. Diagnosis: labs and other tests to diagnose these two obstructive uropathy disorders.
5. Pathophysiologic rationale of treatment, especially for meds used for BPH.