Double spaced
12 point font-times new Roman
1″ margins
Use 3rd person narrative (he,she,they)
DO NOT use 1st person narrative or contractions(aren’t, can’t, didn’t, hasn’t)
Must include a minimum of 3 references; 2 of them being from a published journal article
No more then 2 direct quotes containing no more then 40 words each are allowed
Back up what is said with evidence by including in text citations in parenthetical format
If the publication date is unknown write “n.d.” for no date
Page numbers are required for direct quotes
No personal details stick to the research
No Plagiarism
State explicitly what the essay will discuss/argue at the end of the introduction
Do Not introduce new citations in the conclusion
Include a reference page in alphabetical order
Include a hanging indent from the second line onwards for each reference
Different types of sources have specific formatting requirements, refer to the provided APA formatting guidelines
Only capitalize the first word of a title and subtitle, the first word after a colon or dash in the title, and proper nouns
Do Not capitalize the second word in a hyphenated compound word
Capitalize all major words in journal titles
Journal titles should also be italicized
Include DOIs (digital object identifiers) when available