FIVE Page Paper WITH CITATIONS followed by a Bibliography of a Minimum of THREE Historical Sources. MUST have an Introduction And a Conclusion.
INTRODUCTION: Thesis Statement: Africa was Central to Global Trade in the Eastern Hemisphere during the Ancient Period (1500BC—AD300) And the Medieval Period (AD 300—AD1400).
Following Paragraphs are the PROOF of the Thesis Statement
ANCIENT PERIOD: Four Points 1500 BC, 1000 BC, 100 BC, AD 300
MEDIEVAL PERIOD: Four Points AD 300, AD 622, AD 647, AD 670, AD 800s, AD 1325—ends with Mansa Kankan Musa.
CONCLUSION: Final Paragraph: So you can see that Africans have been Central to Trade in the Eastern Hemisphere through Control over Trade in the Mediterranean Sea, Control over Trade in the Red Sea, And Control over Trade in the Eastern Indian Ocean.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: MUST have at least THREE Historical Sources Look at the file “HOW to Write A Bibliography under Documents
CITATIONS: MUST have Citations: USE the Citation Format used by your major of simple use the MLA Style where you Cite your Source in Parentheses at the end of the sentence Example (Author (if there is one), TITLE (a Must), URL, AND the Date you Accessed it.