Please propose an amendment to the United States Constitution that you think would improve the functioning of American representative democracy. This 28th Amendment might remove or modify a current feature of the Constitution or might add a new feature. Your job is more than simply proposing the change. You should explain how it would work, explain why it would improve representative democracy, and hypothesize about drawbacks or adverse consequences it might create.
Note the bolded phrase in the first paragraph, “would improve the functioning of American representative democracy.” Your task is not to write an amendment that creates a policy you think would be good, but instead would help modify the institutional structure of the Constitution to improve democratic processes.
You may propose any amendment except one: Reform to the Electoral College. Please create an amendment that does not reference the Electoral College.
Introductory paragraph: Start with “I propose to amend the Constitution …” and briefly explain your proposed change. Follow this sentence with a summary of why you propose this change and what you hope for it to accomplish.
In a new paragraph, present the problem under the current Constitution that you hope to solve. Explain why it is a problem and how resolving the problem would improve the functioning of American democracy.
In a new paragraph, present your proposed amendment. Be specific about what you are adding, modifying, or removing, referring to the existing Article or Amendment you are changing, if appropriate for your proposal.
In a new paragraph, explain how the consequences of the proposed change address the problems you identified in item (2) above. How does your proposal help solve this problem?
In a new paragraph, discuss the drawbacks or adverse consequences of your proposed change. Almost all change has some negative consequence. What might that be?
Concluding paragraph: “In conclusion, this amendment would …” and briefly restate the main argument for the change.
Single-spaced bibliography, if applicable. You are not required to reference outside material, but if you do please offer a citation to it here.. (Bibliography does not count towards page limit)