I am not able to upload the article but you can search it on google it is The Nature of Love by Harry F. Harlow
The reading response is an approximately 2 page (double-spaced) written assignment about what the researchers did and what they found. For articles that have more than one study, select one to discuss in depth. After reading the article carefully, students will write a reading response in their own words that includes:
- a very brief introduction to the article using an APA formatted in-text citation (check apastyle.org)
- a one paragraph summary of the methods of the study (including measures and procedures)
- a one paragraph summary of the results of the study and the evidence provided
- a critical examination of the methods in the article (both strengths and weaknesses of the study) and whether the authors provide convincing evidence to support their hypotheses. Start by looking at whether the authors themselves acknowledge limitations and how those limitations should be addressed. Focus on the methodology (especially potential confound variables) rather than the sample population. DO NOT say that more participants and more diversity are recommended unless you have a specific hypothesis about how that would change the results. Try to think of what the researchers might do next that would explore the same topic in more depth.
- ideas about how to build on the study for future research or for potential applications in the real world. This can be done by coming up with your own ideas about how to address the limitations that were discussed in the last step. Clarify what your hypothesis would be if you were to follow up in the ways that you suggest. Provide a prediction about what new information would emerge if your ideas were to be implemented.
- Turnitin scores over 25% will need to be rewritten for partial credit