An Economic-History Research & Analysis Task: On 20th century UK household appliances consumption
January 9, 2024January 9, 2024
Discipline: History
So, this is supposed to be a section of my paper. 1. My thesis is to use household appliance consumption (using refrigerators and washing machines (time-saving) and TV (time-using) as indicators to determine the formation of consumerism and consumer society in 20th Britain, with a particular focus on the period of 1940~1980. 2. This is a research task rather than a writing task. Hence the task here is to find ample sources, particularly primary sources. I presume it would demand expertise in both history and economics (probably more for the latter), and more importantly, access to UK research databases, libraries, and journals. I am here cuz I don’t have access to many of them. 3. I will need you to gather the following data and info, and conduct an analysis on it.
a. Supply-side info, such as the manufactured quantity of refrigerators, washing machines, and TVs in the period of 1930~1980. Per-unit cost, technology, best to find both corporate records and government records. Be as detailed as possible. b. Demand-side info: mkt penetration rate, % in the electrified household (preferably with regional & social class category), price, sales quantity (best with different brands & corps) etc.
c. electrified household # and development trend, with regional category.
d. housing cost v. real wage growth data, comparison, graph. e. real & nominal electricity price trend over time, 1938=100, cross-examine with real wage growth. I have some data in my possession, we can talk, but still, plz try your best to find more for me.
f. import, export, re-export, net-import, and net-export of the three mentioned household appliances. I need you to conduct a thorough analysis of the trend.
g. find me the landmark legal statues, policies, and institutions that influenced the price, sales, and production standard of the mentioned appliances.
h. try your best to connect them, and enlighten me on what else could make this more comprehensive.
i. The ultimate goal consists of a comprehensive analysis, a tested economic model, and a thoughtful conclusion.
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