Ensure to use these resources and cite them and include them as references.
Prescribed and Further Reading List
Prescribed Reading
There are two essential core texts on which much of the module is based:
- Edinburgh Napier Academic Text: Gavris, A. Global Business Economics.
- Gowthorpe, C. (2021), Business Accounting and Finance, 5th edition, Andover: Cengage.
Further Reading
There are a great number of books available to support your studies; you may find the following particularly helpful.
- Dicken, P. (2015) Global Shift: mapping the changing contours of the world economy, 7th edition, Sage.
- Sloman, J. and Garratt, D. (2013) Essentials of Economics, 6th edition, Pearson.
- Sloman, J., Hinde, K. and Garratt, D. (2010) Economics for Business, 5th edition, Pearson.
- Atrill, P., and McLaney, E. (2017), Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists, 10th edition, Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd
- Bhattacharyya, D. (2011), Management Accounting, Delhi: Pearson
- Corelli, A. (2018), Analytical Corporate Finance, 2nd edition, Cham, Switzerland: Springer
There are many academic journals relevant to this module You may find the brief list below quite helpful.
- Journal of International Economics
- International Journal of Political Economy
- Review of International Political Economy
- American Economic Review
- Accounting Review
- Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
- Management Accounting
- Abacus
- Strategic Management Journal
- European Business Review
You are also encouraged to use the undernoted databases, as they are a useful source of information:
- ABI Inform Global http://www.proquest.com/products-services/abi_inform_global.html
- European Business ASAP
- Emerald library http://www.emeraldinsight.com
- The World Trade Organisation website www.wto.org
- The International Monetary Fund website www.imf.org
- The World Bank website www.worldbank.org
- The Economist magazine website www.economist.com
- The Bank of England website www.bankofengland.co.uk
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization website www.unido.org
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development website www.unctad.org
- The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development website www.oecd.org
- European Central Bank website www.ecb.int
- The euobserver.com website http://europa.eu/
- The Financial Times website www.ft.com
Other helpful materials are also provided throughout the module units.
Presentation and Style
Use of the Academic Literature
Use of Evidence and Examples from the Real World
Original Critical Evaluation of the Use of Financial. Performance Measures
Reference List