This paper will provide an exploration of the historical, conceptual, socio-cultural, and/or
contemporary/emerging impacts of an incident, movement, or issue related to lifelong learning
and the field of adult education in Canada. For example: you may want to write a historical paper
that deals with the development of Frontier College or a paper related to a current issue in the
field, such as the need to ‘decolonize’ approaches to adult education and learning. A minimum of
10 sources (5 from scholarly sources, so sources from peer-reviewed journals.) should appear in
the review. Some peer reviewed journals in our field include the Canadian Journal for the Study
of Adult Education, Adult Education Quarterly, the International Journal of Lifelong Education,
Journal of Continuing Education, Studies in the Education of Adults, among others. Your topic
may be expanded from material covered in the course readings or other readings related to
critical adult education. Note that you are not expected to do additional research outside of
reading for this paper (i.e. please do not interview anyone). Note also that this is not a reflective
paper and as such should not be based on your own personal or professional experience. We are
providing two sample papers in the Moodle page for you to review.
Your paper should be 2500 words maximum (10-12 pages – not including references).