Analysis Individual section: Strategic Management Health Planning in a Competitive Environment HSA 403

Given Constraint: Your HCO (B2B or B2C) must be based on Innovative high-tech solutions for compassionate care of the elderly in New York City.. Based on your team healthcare company selected, theorise on the potential external factors that affect its operation. In order to complete this assignment, please follow the prompt attached which was distributed in class few weeks ago (PESTLE Framework). In the textbook, an issue map based on an example of North Carolina may help (Chapter #2, p. 65; applied in Exhibit 2-11, pp. 70-72). In Course Content some examples were uploaded too.This short video, below, (available in Course Content too), explain what is an EEA. Please do not forget to contextualise your whole “executive” document.1. Your healthcare company structure adopted2. Potential key stakeholders3. Market area Bronx, NYC4. Speculate on important measures for success for the organization5. Pre-submission peer review is highly recommended. Based on robust evidence (references), justify the following questions to get a good sense of your market:

  • Demographic indicators: Is there a desire for your product or service?
  • Economic indicators: What is the income range and employment rate?
  • Location : Where do your customers live and where can your business reach? Does your “healthcare organisation” location matter?
  • Market saturation: How many similar options are already available to consumers?
  • Pricing: What do potential customers pay for these alternatives? the whole document, each section must be identified by its executive author. By executive author, please upload (as an attachment) your portion on the External Environment Analysis (EEA) Report in the assignment tab. YouTube URL: on: March 2nd, 11:59pmThis window is for individual reports (fragmented submissions) only (one per Executive).Please be aware that the whole Executive Team (External Environment) Report will be submitted in a different window. Originality is medular. “In-text” citations is required.Peer reviewing is highly recommended: 1. Cover [corporate template + executive full-participants] 2. Index [corporate template] 3. Executive Summary [corporate template /contextualised a. Healthcare Org. Proposed & Business structure b. Identify & justify the service category c. Geographic area & potential competitors 4. Partial Executive Reports (organised in a logical order; idenfitied by each author) a. 1 report per person, 500 wc min. + 2 references min. ea. [published between Jan. 2019 & 25)] ; b. Robust explanation of you partial PESTLE environment fully contextualised well applied to your HCO. 5. Consolidated PESTLE Analysis (complete) 6. References (all selected references) must be in APA style, published by a robust & reliable source. 100% must be in-text cited.PD> Find attached examples of a corporate templates

Name of company: GuardianVitalsNYC

Medical Device: Blood scanner that measures the patient’s health

(Elderly Population)

Pestel Analysis On: Economic factor



2,600 wc. min. + Executive Summary (100 wc.) (Cover + Table/Fig + References not included in wc.) / = 500 wc min. per context per Executive + Table

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