World Literature 2 Writing Assignment
Choose one short story (not a poem ) from volume F of our anthology.
( The Norton Anthology World Literature Volume F Fourth Edition )
First, summarize the reading in one short paragraph.
In subsequent paragraphs, describe and analyze the reading’s worldview.
Is it making a political, historical, moral, religious, social, or cultural point of some kind?
Do not summarize the reading in this section; instead, reference specific sections
that support your argument.
Finally, in 1-2 paragraphs respond to this worldview. Where do you stand and why?
Do not use “I” or “my.”
Three pages approximately
Outside sources are only permitted for researching historical, political, or cultural
information. Any information from outside sources should be cited.
Use the four bold headings below in your paper.
Name the reading and the author (1 sentence)
Reading’s worldview (1-2 sentences)
Your stance (1 sentence)
Reading Summary:
Reading’s Worldview
Response to Reading
Proofreading Checklist
Does your paper present a clear, concise argument in a one-sentence thesis?
(It should be the introduction’s last sentence).
Does each paragraph begin with a topic sentence that introduces the
paragraph’s purpose?
Do you avoid summarizing the readings?
Does every paragraph have evidence from the primary text?
Do you properly cite evidence that is not your own?
Are your body paragraphs in the most logical order for your argument?
Does your conclusion summarize your main points?
Mechanics & Style
Are your paragraphs at least three sentences?
Did you proofread for grammar, punctuation and style
(see provided list below)?
Did you proofread your paper aloud at least once?
___Do not use contractions
___Do not use “you,” “your,” “I” or “my” in your paragraphs
___Do not end or begin paragraphs with quotes
___Do not use “There is/there are” statements
___Do not use questions in your paper
___Do not use “thing”
___Use correct grammar and punctuation
___Give a detailed analysis of the work
___Include an original title
___Build your own argument that either agrees or disagrees with the work