Discussion Board Requirements(please review syllabus for more detailed explanation)
1. Initial post: 3-4 paragraphs, must have at least an in-text citation and reference in APA formatting, answer the question, focus on your content development, and application of economic terms
2. Peer responses: two peer responses of at least one paragraph in length. any response to my questions will count as well or your peers
3. First post due by see course schedule of syllabus
4. Responses due by see course schedule of syllabus
60 points for initial post(20 points for having first post due by see course schedule of syllabus)
See syllabus for due dates of initial post and peer responses
You will not be able to create a thread as you will only be able to reply to my post.
Here is a great site to actually create your in-text citation(after each sentence you get information) and reference:
Analyze how fiscal policy can impact an economy that is in a recession. Explain the challenges that an economy would be facing if fiscal policy is slow to implement.