Analyze the role of community-based organizations (CBOs) and social movements within the Marxist paradigm of social change. Discuss the effectiveness of these actors in challenging or reinforcing societal structures.

Assessment Criteria:

1. Understanding of Topics (30%)

○ Demonstrates a clear understanding of the role of CBOs and social movements within the Marxist paradigm.

○ Shows insight into the effectiveness of these actors in social change.

2. Use of Examples (25%)

○ Effectively integrates and discusses specific examples of CBOs and social movements.

○ Connects examples to broader themes and theories discussed in the course.

3. Argumentation and Analysis (25%)

○ Presents a coherent and well-structured argument.

○ Analyzes examples in depth, explaining their significance in the context of Marxist theory and social change.

4. Writing Quality and Presentation (10%)

○ Writes in a clear, concise, and organized manner.

○ Adheres to academic writing standards, including grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

5. Citation and Referencing (10%)

○ Properly cites all sources in APA format.

○ Includes a reference list at the end of the essay.

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