Analyzing Essays on Art History as Evidence AND A Smithsonian Museums Historical Study

Expect the assignment to be vetted for originality. DO NOT INCLUDE WORDING PROVIDED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.

You will use Chicago/Turabian style for documentation. Full bibliographical entries for each of the sources (with working links and accession dates) must appear at the top of sections 1 and 2. Bibliographical entries and footnotes do not in the word count.

You will place the words of others in quotation marks and highlight them. Your words must total at least 75% of the writing. At the bottom of the assignment put a word count for quotes and one for your own words. (“250 quotes/750 my words”) 1,000 words is a minimum for the project.

The sections must be written in prose. However, you will separate the sections: “I, II, III & IV”

Notice that footnotes have a different appearance than bibliographical entries. Notes are not in the word count

Section II “Analyzing Essays on Art History as Evidence” (suggested 250 words) This section does not have to be related to the topic of Section 1.

Select two essays from the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History!?time=all&geo=all&theme=all&dept=all

The essays may be on any theme but must come from two regions of the world. Compare the two essays by featuring two images from each essay discussing what we learn from the images as historians. Use the essays to research the art works and provide at least THREE Chicago Style Footnotes drawing from the content of the essays.  IDENTIFY where the artistic pieces were created AND include the images in your submission. 

Write a paragraph on the following prompt. Do not address the two essays separately. Your paragraph must be a comparison. “As historians we are weighing the VALUE and LIMITATIONS of the documents we consider as evidence. Using information found in the TWO essays on art history discuss what the featured works (not limited to the four you have shown) offer us in helping to understand the times of origin and discuss what is not revealed by studying the works.”

Section III “Analyzing Objects” (suggested 250 words)

This section does not have to be related to sections I and II. You do not need to provide a Chicago Style Bibliographical cite for this section but do provide the images and a link to the pages you use.

Visit this BBC site

Select TWO objects from BBC Radio 4 – A History of the World in 100 Objects – A History of the World in 100 Objects by theme. The transcripts appear to the right. If you want to listen to the podcast for your object you will probably be able to download these. 

Cover the following points in a paragraph analyzing the artifacts:

What is the origin of the object? (time of creation, area of origin, creator-if known, motifs, materials used, etc.)

Explain the purpose of the object? (ceremonial, functional, communicative, artistic expression, economic, etc.)

What was the historical context? (the lifestyle of people living at the time, the political situation, social conditions, beliefs, etc.) Read the following short articles for examples of what context might include.

What is the value to us as historians offered by studying the object? (How does it help us understand the past?)

What are limitations to us as historians in studying the object? 

When your TWO objects are compared to the readings in our Connections textbook on what pages are related discussions found? Provide page numbers in a sentence on each object with an explanation of what is discussed in the book.

Section IV “A Smithsonian Museums Historical Study” (suggested 200 words)


Start here:

Pick four images and write at least fifty words on each addressing the following prompt: “Why do you think the curators of the Smithsonian Museum decided that this item is important for site visitors to study?” Using evidence from the reading that accompanies each image explain what is so “special” about the item that it merits display among the collections in “our nation’s attic.” Include the image and a link for each of the four. (You don’t need a Chicago Style bibliographical cite for this section.)

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