1.) Short Writing Assignment (1 1/2-2 pages, double-spaced): In your reading of Tony Kushner’s ANGELS IN AMERICA: MILLENIUM APPROACHES, there are certain characters with whom you may identify more than others. With whom do you identify with the most? The least? Do some of the actions of the characters strike you as particularly mean or thoughtless? Do you expect this kind of behavior from the “main” character or from a character with whom Tony Kushner asks you to sympathize? Pay special attention to the other characters played by the same performers as the characters you discuss. Can this shape your view of the characters? What point(s) do you think Tony Kushner was trying to make with these casting choices?
2.) Activity: Make a ‘family tree’ showing the connections between all of the characters in ANGELS IN AMERICA: MILLENNIUM APPROACHES. Include lines to show how the characters are ‘related’ to one another: Which characters are involved in relationships with one another? Which characters are played by the same actor? What are other ways in which the characters are connected? See how many connections you are able to show on your tree.
Note: Short writing assignments are informal in tone, but should still be well organized and display correct grammar usage and correct spelling. Be sure to address all parts of the question and make connections to material in lecture and section as appropriate. These are assignments in which creativity and personal reactions should flourish.
Please read some of the play first then start the assignment. You can write the analysis to about 1 and 1/2 pages, and make the tree diagram on the second page