Analyzing The Relationship Between Childhood Maltreatment And Cognitive Biases In Information Processing And Anxiety/Depression In Adulthood

A discussion of how the research can be applied to a specific real-world situation

Cognitive Biases being used in the paper

Attention Bias
is the inclination to prioritize the processing of specific stimuli over
others (Azriel et al., 2020). Childhood maltreatment could cause someone to
perceive harmless actions or words as threats and cause them to develop

The Framing Effect is a different way of presenting the
same information that evokes different emotions (Kahneman, 2011, p.88).
Negative framing stemming from childhood maltreatment can negatively impact
how an individual processes information being received and cause anxiety/depression.

The Halo Effect shapes our
views of people and situations and has a heavy effect on first impressions
(Kahneman, 2011, pp.82-83). The halo effect can negatively impact someone’s
view of an individual based on a perception based on partial information,
mannerisms, or lifestyle received from the individual, triggering negative
emotions towards the individual stemming from childhood maltreatment.

The Affect Heuristic is when someone lets their
likes and dislikes determine their beliefs about the world (Kahneman, 2011,
p.103). The affect heuristic can positively influence someone who has endured
childhood maltreatment by focusing on how they strive to overcome the adversity
they went through growing up. However, the opposite can also occur when someone
hyper-focused on the adversity they endured growing up, ultimately formulating
negative beliefs about people or situations. 

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