Answer (10) reflection questions below by writing a script for me to answer them in a video.
Please respond honestly. Be mindful of good writing, but there is no need to cite anything.
AI cannot be used for this.
Question Options:
- Take a few minutes to compare the writing in your first individual assignment to your last individual assignment (read it, then read it aloud). What do you notice? Have you become a stronger writer over the past 14 weeks? If so, how? If not, why?
2. Write a balanced Yelp review for this course (complete with a star recommendation). Write the review for me on the script and the script included!
3. Within the syllabus, there is a slide dedicated to the advice from past students (to incoming students). What would you add to this slide? (disclaimer: your comments may anonymously make it in next semester’s syllabus).
4. How did you feel about this high-touch, highly interactive, asynchronous course environment (versus other online courses at this university)? Do you think more online classes should be like this one, or no? Explain your answer.
5. Next term, what is one thing I should continue doing versus one thing I should consider changing? Explain your answer.
6. Higher education news is packed with articles about the disengagement of college students. Honestly, most of them blame the student (they don’t want to work hard for grades, they view education as a transaction, expect A’s versus earn them, don’t complete homework as assigned, cheat using AI for “everything”, etc.). What are your thoughts about these claims? What keeps you engaged in a course versus not care about it? What makes an effective professor versus an ineffective one? When are you tempted to use AI unethically in a course (if at all)?
7. What do you want to “be” when you grow up? Imagine you are on an interview for that dream job (you’ve already graduated!). The interviewer asks about your skill level in conducting secondary and primary research. How would you answer?
For this question write about me wanting to be a CPA or an accounting professor.
8. In two paragraphs or less, complete this prompt: “As a remote team member for the BCR project this term, I learned that I excel at _____, but need to work on _____.”
9. Admittedly, I’m a tough grader and a staunch opponent of grade inflation (getting grades you don’t necessarily earn). I firmly believe that earning an A means your work is near-perfect. In turn, I ensure students get comprehensive feedback on all assignments and focus on continuous improvement (getting better grades at the end than the beginning). Looking back on your high school career and college experience, do you believe you’ve always earned your grades (or, do you think there are times you didn’t have to work hard for good grades?). Would your rather easily get the A and not necessarily master the skill, or work hard to master the skill and not easily earn an A?
10. Is there anything you would like to share with me about my teaching, your experience in this course, or takeaways that I haven’t asked about?