Answer the following items using your own words. Be objective and concise while being professional.

1. During a case presentation at your clinic, you review four women with predisposing factors for osteoporosis. Which patient is least likely to be at risk for osteoporosis?

A. Nehineza, an overweight African American female with a family history of uterine cancer
B. Cristina, a Hispanic woman living a sedentary life
C. Park-Gim-Ka, an underweight Asian woman with a history of tobacco use
D. Skylar, a Caucasian woman experiencing early onset of menopause.

2. Densitometry results are given as T-scores. Which values would be considered osteopenia?

3. After prompt analysis of your patient, you decide to institute treatment for osteoporosis. Which class of medication is considered the first-line treatment? Are there any considerations to be made prior to starting therapy? Which recommendations would you provide to the patient regarding this treatment?

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