Written individual assignment (EXA1)
Read and review one of the below monographs. Reading a monograph takes a lot of time but it gives you lots of information about the work involved in doing an ethnographic field study. Focus on the questions posed below.
Estrada (2019)
Sweis (2021)
• Ulturgasheva (2012)
Estrada (2019)
Sweis (2021)
• Ulturgasheva (2012)
Use 800-1200 words. It is not acceptable to write less or more than that.
Use Times New Roman 12 p and 1,5 line spacing.
Your review should display that you are familiar with and have understood the monograph.
It should therefore include answers to all five questions listed below.
But notice that you are supposed to write a coherent text, not a list of answers.
What is the aim of the study?
What method(s) are used?
What are the central findings in the study?
How are children represented in the monograph?
How are children represented in the monograph?
For example, are they represented as being agentic and competent or as passive, dependent and vulnerable?
Or perhaps some combination of these?
What can this tell us about how childhood is understood?
For example, is childhood understood as a time for learning and playing that should be separated from the ‘adult’ world of work?
Or, is it understood as a period of reciprocity where children’s as adults have their specific responsibilities?
What are the ethical dilemmas in doing the study?
It can be dilemmas that the author discusses or aspects that you see as ethical dilemmas. Keep in
mind that ethical dilemmas are ubiquitous in fieldwork and thus they need to be discussed.
mind that ethical dilemmas are ubiquitous in fieldwork and thus they need to be discussed.
Reflect on the power dynamics between the researcher and the participants and if/how the researcher paid attention to them. For example think about who might be in a powerful position and how this might influence the negotiation of consent in the research process.
Include adequate references to the monograph in accordance with Harvard reference style. Follow the following style guide: https://www.bcu.ac.uk/library/services-and- support/referencing/harvard
Include adequate references to the monograph in accordance with Harvard reference style. Follow the following style guide: https://www.bcu.ac.uk/library/services-and- support/referencing/harvard
ALL references, not only those after a direct quotation, should include information about the exact page in the source that you are referring to.
Using text produced by generative Al is not allowed.
Where appropriate, teachers are obliged to report reasonable suspicion of the use of an unauthorized aid to the Disciplinary Board, in a similar way to how we deal with plagiarism cases.