This is a criminology assignment. Discuss using critical thinking.
Essays will be marked against the following criteria:
1. The essay demonstrates evidence of sound knowledge of the topic and makes accurate use of the appropriate terminology.2. The essay provides evidence of your ability to analyse the subject using psychological/neuroscientificprinciples and ideas. There is evidence of critical thinking providing explanations for why issues raised are of interest/concern.3. In the essay relevant reading has been used and sources are referenced accurately using APA style.4. The essay is structured so as to make the argument and discussion clear and coherent.5. Use of language: the essay is written to a good standard of English with few grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, and it is written in an academic style.6. Use of Generative AI (GAI): the assignment adheres to the guidance about use of AI as provided in the assignment brief. Essay should not be largely descriptive, should not have vague or unpacked claims that lack clarity or depth, the essay should be more critical evaluation.Introduction should include a clear statement of the aim of the essay. No new information in the conclusion please. Sufficient references. Here are some articles that could be useful in your research: Highly Relevant Articles for Your Essay: 1. “Molecular genetics and antisocial behavior: Where do we stand?” • Authors: Iofrida, C., Palumbo, S., & Pellegrini, S. • Published: 2014. • Focus: Explores the genetic contributions to antisocial behavior, providing evidence for the genetic perspective. 2. “Quantitative genetic studies of antisocial behavior” • Authors: Viding, E., Larsson, H., & Jones, A. P. • Published: 2008. • Focus: Examines heritability and gene-environment interactions related to antisocial behavior. 3. “Association of Poor Childhood Fear Conditioning and Adult Crime” • Authors: Gao, Y., Raine, A., Venables, P. H., Dawson, M. E., & Mednick, S. A. • Published: 2010. • Focus: Investigates environmental factors and potential genetic predispositions influencing fear conditioning. 4. “Social Adversity and Antisocial Behavior: Mediating Effects of Autonomic Nervous System Activity” • Authors: Fagan, S. E., Zhang, W., & Gao, Y. • Published: 2017. • Focus: Explores environmental stressors and physiological responses as mediators of antisocial behavior. 5. “Heightened neural reactivity to threat in child victims of family violence” • Authors: McCrory, E. J., De Brito, S. A., Sebastian, C. L., Mechelli, A., Bird, G., Kelly, P. A., & Viding, E. • Published: 2011. • Focus: Examines the environmental impact of family violence on neural reactivity and its link to antisocial behavior. 6. “From correlates to causes: Can quasi-experimental studies and statistical innovations bring us closer to identifying the causes of antisocial behavior?” • Authors: Jaffee, S. R., Strait, L. B., & Odgers, C. L. • Published: 2012. • Focus: Discusses statistical methods for identifying causal relationships in antisocial behavior. 7. “The theory of latent vulnerability: Reconceptualizing the link between childhood maltreatment and psychiatric disorder” • Authors: McCrory, E., & Viding, E. • Published: 2015. • Focus: Explores how childhood maltreatment influences psychiatric outcomes, potentially linked to genetic vulnerability. These are recommendations.