Applying the Medicine Wheel Pedagogy to understand xxxxxx (your personal choice)

: (in
this term paper assignment centers on considering HOW YOU can implement
one call or guiding principle in your life.)

There are 4 quadrants
(sections) in this research paper assignment. Be sure to listen to the
narrated Medicine Wheels/Medicine Wheel Pedagogy slides to understand
how to complete this approach to writing/coming to understand from
Indigenous perspectives a topic of your choosing.

Slides file (INDG 101-3OLMWMWP-5) is provided in the form of powerpoint (MUST be downloaded to hear narrations).

1. Review the Medicine Wheels/Medicine Wheel Pedagogy slides
2. Choose your topic 
Indigenous Knowledge systems are about practical coming to know and
understand- so choose a BROAD topic that is relevant to your
studies/future career for example:

education, b) health, c) politics, d) justice, e) archaeology, f)
spirituality, g) social justice, h) families, i) community planning, j)
sports, k) media, l) economics, m) business, n) journalism, o) forestry,
p) resource management, etc

3. Whichever topic you choose will be added to the title of the paper (fill
in the blank- Applying Medicine Wheel Pedagogy to understand
*___________. THIS will be the topic considered in all 4 quadrants of
the paper)

4. EAST QUADRANT – (210 words maximum) (5%) yes label each section of the paper with its specific quadrant name.

To begin to respectfully engage with Indigenous gifts (i.e.
Medicine Wheel Pedagogy, we must take the time and space to learn,
disseminate, and honour their origins, to the credit of the Nation(s)
from which the knowledge comes).

Define Medicine Wheels in respectful and non-appropriating way (MUST be cited in-text and Reference Page) (2 points)
Define Medicine Wheel Pedagogy in respectful and non-appropriating way (MUST be cited in-text and Reference Page) (2 points)
Identify and provide YOUR understanding of the topic you have chosen to write about (YOUR starting point – NO research- just answer the question What is *education? Or what does health look like? etc. (This will be whatever you filled the blank in the paper title with, your focus area for this paper). (1 point)

5. SOUTH QUADRANT- (210 words maximum) (3%)

Tell a personal story about YOUR OWN experiences with the chosen topic – i.e. education, justice, health, etc. This is where we begin to relate to –
by considering our personal stories of and experiences with the subject
area. Connections are possible because we are all members of the same
human race with much in common. (3 points) The only way you can lose
points here is to tell someone else’s story or experience or to tell of
an experience that is not related to the topic area that you have

6. WEST QUADRANT- (210 words maximum) (12%)

Learning FROM First Peoples. Here, we figure things out.
How can we have political integrity, resist perpetuating colonizing
perspectives and practices while living on and benefiting from First
Peoples’ homelands? We begin by learning ABOUT our chosen topic FROM
First Peoples (10 points). RESEARCH is mandatory – do not use course materials here or you will receive 0/10 for this quadrant.
Due diligence in research practices that honour Indigenous knowledges
is an activity that all students must leave INDG 101 having
practiced/experienced. Authenticate and position the Indigeneity of your source in your WEST quadrant submission (2 points). To provide insights in this quadrant that are non-Indigenous is an act that perpetuates colonizing practices of speaking for or about First Peoples and will warrant a 0/10 grade for this quadrant. (More than one author? 50%+1 MUST be Indigenous).

NO quotes permitted, paraphrase what you learned about the topic from “North American” Indigenous resources. This demonstrates comprehension – the use of quotes shows the author understands- not you. See the grading rubric for point deductions possible for using quotes in the WEST. 

7. NORTH QUADRANT- (210 words maximum) (10%)

In the North Quadrant, copy and insert
one call to action or guiding principle that DIRECTLY relates to your
topic area at the top of this section (2 points). Be sure to use
accurate citation style for in-text and Reference page citations.

Next, apply what you have learned FROM First Peoples in what is known as Canada to:

a) outline an action that YOU can take to reconcile in ways that align with the call to action or principle you cite here (2 points)
b) describe how, when, and where you would take this action (3 points)
c) tell us WHY you should work to mobilize calls to action/guiding principles that are put forth by First Peoples (3 points) 

8. In assignments this length- conciseness is necessary– repetitiveness will result in point deductions equivalent
to the scope of repetition across the paper. Papers that go over the 825 word count will lose points if the extra length provides
unnecessary or irrelevant information.

A References page is required.
(NOT to be included in the page count). APA citation style. Full
sentences, proofread, and edited. Must NOT perpetuate colonizing

Additional Criteria

1.5-spaced12pt font, with 1” margins. APA citation (NO TITLE PAGE, ABSTRACT OR RUNNING HEAD REQUIRED for THIS submission). Proof read and edit your final submissions AT LEAST once before submitting.

Grading Rubric is also provided, please refer to the file and make sure criteriasare meet

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