I need to do an article review on the article, ¨Correlation and predictive Relationship Between Self Determination Instruction and Academic Performance of Students with Disabilities¨ by Pen Chiang Chou
Title of YOUR Paper and Authors
Introduction to YOUR Paper
What is the purpose of your paper?
How did you and your team work to reach your goals and to assign tasks equitably?
Introductory Sections: Abstract and Introduction
How appropriate and clear is the title of the article? Do you understand the design of the study from the title? Are the variables clear from the title?
How well does the abstract represent and summarize the article’s major points and argument?
What is the purpose and how well is it made clear in the introduction?
Literature Review and Hypotheses
How thorough and relevant is the literature review?
What are the hypotheses and how clear and relevant to the literature review are they?
How appropriate are the study design and methods for the purposes of the study?
What was the sample and was it appropriate / representative?
How detailed are the measures being described?
Have the procedures been presented in enough detail to enable the reader to duplicate them?
Is the data analysis appropriate?
What are the results and are the results clear? What do the tables indicate and how clear are they?
How well does the discussion maintain cohesion?
Reflection on the Assignment
What have you learned from this study and is it important?
One common paragraph
One separate paragraph from each team member