Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the advanced language model GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) on marketing strategies

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For this final assignment, let’s explore the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the advanced language model GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) on marketing strategies. Specifically, let’s examine how AI and GPT are transforming the marketing landscape and influencing consumer behavior.

Key questions to answer. Use your own words supported by legitimate/relevant sources/citations.

  1. How is AI and GPT revolutionizing consumer targeting and personalization in marketing?
  • Investigate how AI algorithms analyze consumer data to understand preferences, behaviors, and purchase patterns, enabling marketers to deliver highly targeted and personalized marketing messages.
  • Examine how GPT technology can generate customized content for various marketing channels, such as social media, email campaigns, and websites, to create more engaging and relevant experiences for consumers.
  • Discuss real-world examples where AI and GPT have been successfully used to target and personalize marketing campaigns and evaluate the impact on consumer engagement and conversion rates.
  1. How can college students leverage AI and GPT to enhance their own marketing skills and future career prospects?
  • Examine how AI and GPT technologies can augment college students’ marketing skills by automating repetitive tasks, facilitating data analysis, and enabling personalized content creation.
  • Discuss the importance of developing a foundational understanding of AI and GPT concepts and how they can be applied in marketing.
  • Identify specific resources, tools, or courses that you (college students) can explore to gain practical experience and proficiency in using AI and GPT for marketing purposes, ultimately enhancing your career prospects in the marketing industry.

Book is MKTG by Charles Lamb ISBN: 9780357233467

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