Task: As a management consultant, write a report to Simon Chance on one of the following issues that are relevant to the Junction Hotel: Choice of report titles: 1. Evaluation of rational organisational design and bureaucracy at the Junction Hotel. 2. Evaluation of rational work design at the Junction Hotel.3. Evaluation of contemporary models of rationalisation at the Junction Hotel.4. Evaluation of groups and team working at the Junction Hotel. 5. Evaluation of motivation of employees at the Junction Hotel. 6. Evaluation of knowledge and learning practice at the Junction Hotel. 7. Evaluation of communication at the Junction Hotel.In the report you will include the specific content, and you will do so in a report format. Please follow these guidelines below to create your report (See attached).Deadline: 17.03.2025
As a management consultant, write a report to Simon Chance on one of the issues that are relevant to the Junction Hotel
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