This will be really similar to the work you did for , but we have to ensure that the Annotated Bibliography is from peer reviewed articles. We are still looking at this below as the main topic moving forward
Annotated Bibliography for Implementing a Compliance
Management System in the Cannabis Industry
This is a two-part assignment.
Provide both of these parts as separate appendices of your final Prospectus (see the School of Technology Prospectus Template in Course Resources). There are two prepared appendices for the two parts of this assignment. The School of Technology Prospectus Template and Guide includes instructions and a lot of details that you will use for Lessons 2 through 8. |
Part 1: Annotated Bibliography
Locate five peer-reviewed scholarly articles published within the past 5 years related to a topic of interest you wish to explore for your dissertation research. Do not include book chapters, books, editorials, white papers, trade magazine articles, or non-peer-reviewed sources. Then, complete the following for each source in the form of an annotated bibliography:
Begin each annotation with an APA formatted reference.
Then, annotate the source with a block paragraph. The annotation should be double spaced, 200-250 words, including a brief synopsis of the article, the problem, the purpose, a description of the methodology (including design and data collection), the findings, the recommendations for future research, any theories used, and any strengths or weaknesses of the article.
Part 2: Topic Description and Supporting Literature
After reviewing each annotation and other sources, describe the topic you wish to explore for your dissertation research. This topic should logically flow from the gaps in the literature noted in your annotations and include a theory that may apply. Add citations and place the references into the same reference page as the rest of the Prospectus (before the appendices).