Assignment 6.1: Project Trigger and the Iowa Model Flowchart to Promote Quality Care

I am including the directions and all the other coursework that has led up to this final paper:


If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”— Benjamin Franklin

The Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice gives guidance to nurses on using research findings to improve patient care and outcomes. This model is validated and uses a systematic approach to address clinical problems within healthcare organizations. The Iowa Model addresses the planning phase of the plan-do-study-act (PDSA) process that is used extensively in healthcare organizations to promote quality improvement and improve patient outcomes.

Use the Iowa Model (Word)Links to an external site. to complete this assignment. Remove the sample information, this was provided as a guide, and replace with content relevant to your QIP topic.

See the Iowa word document embedded in this assignment for a full description of each of the following required sections for this paper:

  1. Trigger for project. Establish what the trigger (problem or knowledge and which subcategory) is for your clinical problem of interest. Describe the problem at your facility with data to support this scholarly project (such as the number of CLABSI, percentage of patient no-shows, and so on).
  2. Priority for the organization and team members. Using the Stakeholder’s map, select a total of 4 primary stakeholders. Also, include information from your Change Concepts’ worksheet also completed in assignment 4.1 to address how you plan to engage the stakeholders.
  3. Evidence to conduct the project. Include the intervention you chose to address the clinical problem. Include at least 3 references in this section related to the toolkit, clinical practice guideline (CPG), or bundle you chose in your QI Project Measures Worksheet. Three references minimum:
    1. from a reputable organization such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), AHRQ, etc. from where you obtained the toolkit, CPG, or bundle; and
    2. The other 2 references should be a research article from a peer-reviewed journal.
  4. Outcomes: Describe what would you plan to measure to determine if the intervention/project is successful? Identify for each outcome how the data would be collected.
  5. References
  6. Appendix: Iowa Flowchart

What to Submit

2-page paper in Microsoft Word using APA format, not including the title page, references or completed Iowa project flowchart. The Iowa Model flowchart will be at the end of the paper as an appendix.

If you copy and paste references from the course into your assignment, be sure to confirm APA formatting before submitting.


Assignment 6.1: Project Trigger and the Iowa Model Flowchart
Criteria Ratings Pts

10 pts
Excellently described, including establishing the basis/trigger. Included data/information to support the QI initiative.

9.25 pts
Well described, including establishing the basis/trigger. Included data/information to support QI initiative, but does not adequately support the QI initiative.

8.5 pts
Somewhat described, including establishing the basis/trigger. Missing data/information to support QI initiative.

8 pts
Poorly described, poorly establishing the basis/trigger. No data/information to support the QI initiative.

0 pts
Not included.

/ 10 pts
Priority for the Organization and Team Members

10 pts
Excellently described, selected a total of 4 primary stakeholders. Addressed how you plan to engage the stakeholders.

9.25 pts
Well described, selected a total of 3 primary stakeholders. Addressed how you plan to engage the stakeholders.

8.5 pts
Somewhat described, selected a total of 2 primary stakeholders. Addressed how you plan to engage the stakeholders.

8 pts
Poorly described, did not select stakeholders. OR Did not address how you plan to engage the stakeholders.

0 pts
Not included.

/ 10 pts
Evidence to Conduct the Project

10 pts
Excellently supported with research, including at least 2 relevant, peer-reviewed articles. And includes one reference from where toolkit, CPG, or bundle was retrieved.

9.25 pts
Well supported with research, but only included 1 relevant peer-reviewed article. And includes one reference from where toolkit, CPG, or bundle was retrieved.

8.5 pts
Somewhat supported but one or both articles not peer-reviewed. And includes one reference from where toolkit, CPG, or bundle was retrieved.

8 pts
Poorly supported, neither article is peer-reviewed. Or no reference included from where toolkit, CPG, or bundle retrieved.

0 pts
Not included.

/ 10 pts
Outcome Measure(s)

10 pts
Excellently described the 2 outcomes measures, including how the data would be collected.

9.25 pts
Well described the 2 outcome measures, missing how the data would be collected for one or both outcomes.

8.5 pts
Somewhat described, only included 1 outcome measure, OR missing how they will be collected.

8 pts
Poorly described the 2 outcome measures, including how they will be collected.

0 pts
Not included.

/ 10 pts
Grammar and Spelling

10 pts
Excellently written and composed. No errors in spelling, or grammar.

9.25 pts
Well written and composed. A few minor errors in format and/or grammar.

8.5 pts
Somewhat well written and composed. Many minor errors in spelling, and/or grammar.

8 pts
Poorly written and composed. Major errors in spelling, and/or grammar but still understandable.

0 pts
Very poorly written and composed. Major errors in spelling, and/or grammar making it difficult to understand.

/ 10 pts
APA Format

10 pts
Excellently follows APA format, including for title page, reference page, and in-text citations. And meets 2-page requirement not including title page, references, or flowchart.

9.25 pts
Follows APA format, including title page, reference page, and in-text citations. Few APA errors noted on reference page. Meets page requirement.

8.5 pts
Somewhat follows APA format; title page, reference page, or in-text citations incorrectly formatted. OR several APA errors noted on reference page. OR Almost meets page requirement.

8 pts
Poorly follows APA format, including title page, reference page, or in-text citations. Does not meet page requirement. Many errors noted on reference page.

0 pts
Not submitted.

/ 10 pts
Iowa Project Flowchart

10 pts
Excellently completed flowchart. All elements completed.

9.25 pts
Most elements completed; one element not completed on flowchart.

8.5 pts
Somewhat completed, 2 elements not completed flowchart.

8 pts
Poorly completed; 3 or more elements not completed on flowchart.

0 pts
Flowchart not completed.

/ 10 pts
Total Points: 0

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