What theory you would like to defend
Which philosophers and thinkers were the main contributors to the development and exposition of your theory (citations to specific works is helpful!)
How your theory is relevant to addressing a real-world problem or situation(s) facing the world today, either a general problem facing individuals, or a concrete event or situation (political, social, or environmental).
Why we should believe your theory (i.e., provide a schematic argument in its defense)
What are the main objections to your theory that you have to address.
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Possible philosophical thinkers and their theories to use
Socrates’ theory that human excellence is knowledge and that we have to search for truth
The sophists’ moral relativism
Plato’s theory of justice as harmony
Plato’s theory that the best government is rule by a philosopher-king
Aristotle’s theory of the union of the good life, happiness, and virtue
The Stoic outlook on suffering
Hume’s theory of morality
Immanuel Kant on reason and morality
Hegel’s theory of history
Kierkegaard’s theory of the individual
Marx’s theory of alienation
Marx’s theory of exploitation
Mill’s theory of utilitarianism
Nietzsche’s theory of the revaluation of values
Peirce’s theory of truth and reality
William James’ theory on the naturalization of values
Simone de Beavoir’s theory of sex
Pascal’s theory on rational decision-making
Postmodern theories of deconstruction or relativism