ASSIGNMENT: Week 6 What Are Your Actions as a Founder in first 90 Days of Starting Your Mobile App Business?


  • Identify and prioritize work you think you might want to tackle in your first 90 days as a founder of a new dating mobile app for college students.
  • The key is to visualize and think about what you might need to do, create a list of tasks, and organize that task list. You have 90 days to produce an MVP. What will you prioritize?


  • Sketch out 90 days of work for your fledging mobile dating app for college students.
  • You may “hire” up to 3 other people to assign them work.
  • You should consider what creating a minimum viable product (MVP) should look like and how you might complete that in 90 days to be able to show others.
  • You should assign tasks to people, but no more than 40 hours per week for any one person. Don’t worry about revenue for this exercise.

What to Include

  • Create a spreadsheet using Excel or Google Sheets based on the helper spreadsheet that is available here:
  • Once you open this Google Sheet (available to you in view/read-only mode), save a copy to give yourself edit rights for your copy of this file (do this through “File: Make a Copy.”
  • Next, edit your tasks in the copy of the helper spreadsheet you saved, assigning them to yourself or one of the three people you’ve hired. Create as many tasks as you can, up to 40 hours per person per week.
  • Do what you can to fill out the spreadsheet for 90 days.
  • Submit your results to Carmen. To submit a copy of your Google Sheet, make sure you download it and save it as an Excel file (File: Download Microsoft (.XLSX). This is the file you will be uploading to Carmen.
    • You can ignore the instructions I give in the video about sharing the link for the file, as it is much easier to have you download it as an Excel file and upload this to Carmen for Cristian and me to review and give you feedback.
    • You don’t have to use Excel – editing the helper Google Sheet works from any browser and on any device. You only have to download it and save it as an Excel document format when ready to submit.


We are looking for creativity, what problems you consider, and what solutions/alternatives you choose to focus on. There isn’t a right way to do this, but we will pay attention to the amount of detail you submit. You will receive minimal points if you submit a spreadsheet with three lines, each line stating 30 days duration. You will receive many more points if you fill out a spreadsheet with tasks for 90 days’ worth of work, where each task is broken out into 8-16 hours of duration. Your ability to be a CEO/founder will depend on being able to “sweat the details,” so you need to dig into the task and see how detailed you make it.

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