The purpose of this assignment is to prepare you for your Prospectus: Final Submission
Assignment by improving and expanding your work from previous courses.
Submit a well-developed draft of the second chapter of your prospectus. Be sure to submit the
entire template as a whole, not just Chapter 2. Using previous course work related to your topic,
address any previous instructor comments.
The document must conform to the latest version of the Dissertation Handbook. After
completing the assigned reading, your will use the Qualitative Dissertation Template located in the SOE Doctoral Community. The SOE Doctoral Community link is located on the
Prospectus: Chapter 2 Assignment page under Prospectus Resources. You will submit a well-
developed draft of the second chapter of your Prospectus, including all front matter found in the
Qualitative Dissertation Template. Do not make your own. The submission must be a
minimum of 15 pages of content for Chapter 2, beginning with the chapter overview and ending
with the chapter summary. The chapter must include a minimum of 40 different unique sources
and accompanying references located in the References section of the prospectus.
The Prospectus: Chapter 2 Assignment will be assessed using the Qualitative Dissertation
Template instructions
Chapter Two typically is the longest chapter of the dissertation proposal and is written in the present tense to talk about the current chapter. The minimum length must be 30 full pages, including tables, graphs, and figures, but most are longer to address the relevant literature comprehensively. This chapter provides an empirical context for the study via the literature as well as the need for the study, as evidenced by the gap in the literature. Chapter Two is comprised of four sections with Level One headers: (a) the Overview, (b) a Theoretical and/or Conceptual Framework section, (c) a Related Literature section, and (d) a Summary. Level 2 and Level 3 subheadings are numerous in the Related Literature section and may also be necessary for the Framework section. Typically, 100 to 200 articles are used in the construction of this chapter, with even more used in the total construction of Chapters One through Three. However, a minimum of 100 peer-reviewed articles (e.g., journals, academic books, etc.) are required. The Overview must clearly and concisely describe the contents and organization of the chapter in the present tense and should not be longer than one paragraph.
and Prospectus: Chapter 2 Grading Rubri