Best Marketing Campaign Selection for General Mills Total Blueberry Pomegranate Cereal

Please help in revising the current “EPOrder_MRKT601_Team Project Ethics Issues Analysis_Draft2.docx” word document, that evaluates the ethical issues about the three campaign ideas provided in
the attached project instructions. The response should expand the following
areas, but also keep the page limit to close to 3-4 pages. The format is Times
New Roman, 12-point font, single-space.

Issues Analysis

  • Deceptive Marketing
    on the potential consumer reaction to misleading images and the importance
    of clear labeling.
  • Advertising and Promotion: Provide concrete examples of
    misleading advertising and discuss their long-term impact on brand
  • Delivery Channel: Explore the ethical
    implications of different delivery channels in more depth, considering
    both benefits and risks.
  • Pricing Ethics: Discuss how ethical pricing
    strategies can enhance fair competition and consumer loyalty.

of Ethical Issues

  • Stakeholder Analysis: Expand on the impact of
    marketing campaigns on each stakeholder group with specific examples.
  • Reasonable Decision: Provide a more detailed
    comparison of each campaign idea, highlighting specific ethical
  • Best Decision: Justify the selection of the
    second campaign with a detailed discussion on how it meets ethical
    standards and company goals.

A reference list in APA format is required for all in-text
citations and used references, including the required reading and materials
from class; additional resources are not required, but if used, they must be
from a reliable source (e.g., from academic libraries and/or peer reviewed
scholarly sources).

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