(SEC vs. Ripple Labs case)
Select a real case that allows you to showcase your understanding of one of the topics explored throughout the unit. The assignment should address the following:
1) An introduction explaining the case chosen, the applicable legal framework and an explanation of the main legal concepts;
2) An explanation of the legal debate that the case raises;
3) Assessment of the effectiveness of the applicable regulations and personal opinion on how to enhance them.
You should demonstrate a good knowledge of the topic selected from the different classes explored in the unit; the legal framework along with the legal concepts. Moreover, you should prove a good understanding in debating the legal aspect of the specific case by revealing the present effectiveness of the applied regulations along with the personal opinion on how to enhance or modify any of the applied regulations.
- Times New Roman
- Font 12
- 1.5 spacing
- APA style for referencing. In text citations and a reference list are mandatory
- Word Count: 1500 excluding references
Allocation of Marks - The introduction of the case chosen (20 points);
- The explanation of the legal debate (35 points);
- The assessment of the effectiveness of the applicable regulations (20 points)
- Personal opinion on how to enhance them (25 points)
Evaluation Criteria: based on the evaluation rubric, students should put high emphasis on organizing their work, the content, and the visuals in each answer.