BMT-1620 Examine the Aspects of Personal Financial Planning and Your Goal Setting Activity

Discussion Criteria and Instructions

Complete APA compliant Discussion #2 (300  words MIN): Use the text materials as your thesis.

Reflect upon Chapters 1 – 6. Identify topics and subtopics to develop your thesis or general world view about financial planning. Provide appropriate APA in-text and textbook based citations to support your worldview and perspectives based on the textbook. For every sentence, provide me with an in-text citation from the textbook to show how you are connecting the textbook to your discussion and eventual 10-year financial plan.  

Now that you have a theoretical perspective and world view regarding your financial planning outlook, examine the aspects of personal financial planning in response to your completion of your goal setting activity. Discuss the amount of money your dreams will cost in dollars and time. Provide appropriate in-text citations to support your arguments, assertions, propositions, claims, and declarations. 

As you develop your 300 word essay (count your words before submitting your work as I will count your words), reflect upon your Goal Setting activity before, during and after you write your thoughts out. Compare and contrast your thoughts to the textbook. Provide appropriate in-text citations.

Organize your discussion using an introduction, body, and conclusion format. The thesis and overview of the main point go into the introduction. The body is based on the topics and subtopics based on the text book followed by a discussion relating to your own personal plan development. The conclusion summarizes the main point and draws conclusions based on the tetbook material. Are you on or off track as it relates to the textbook.  

Once again, provide a plethora of appropriate APA compliant in-text citations to support your claims.

Response to at least two and up to four of your peers using APA compliant in-text citations and References (Initial post Due 03.21.24; Peer Responses Due 03.24.24 NLT 11:59PM)

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