The Critical Book Review will permit you to study in some depth a topic in United States history that interests you. It will also examine your ability to read and critically analyze historical literature. Do not confuse this assignment with a book report. You are responsible for stating the primary thesis or argument of the book, and critically analyzing the author’s effort in defending this argument. Does the evidence vindicate the author’s thesis, or is the argument weakly defended and unconvincing?
Start your proposal with a bibliographic entry at the top of the page. Then, in an introductory paragraph, briefly describe the subject and main thesis that the author presents and how well it examines the subject and its relevance to United States history between 1492 and 1865. You should then critique how well the book is laid out and move on to state what you believe to be the strong point of the book its weakest feature. As always, conclude with an overall assessment. While the book review is critical, you should keep your assessment positive and respectful, bearing in mind that the authors spent a considerable portion of their lives making it the best book they possibly could. Undoubtedly, they believe wholeheartedly in their conclusions. Remain tactful and respectful at all times.