Brand Analysis and StoryCraft: StoryBrand Principles: Success and Failure Assignment

This assignment delves into the world of brand storytelling, exploring how powerful narratives
can shape and strengthen brands. We’ll be utilizing Donald Miller’s StoryBrand framework, a
practical approach to crafting compelling brand messages that resonate with customers. You will
complete four Brand Analysis and StoryCraft Assignments in this course. Each Brand
Analysis and StoryCraft Assignment will be comprised of three parts: StoryBrand Framework,
Brand Analysis, and StoryCraft Application addressing specific StoryBrand principles.
There will be 4 separate assignments this term breaking down Donald Miller’s 7 StoryBrand
Framework principles.
This week’s assignment will cover Principles 6 and 7, “That Helps Them Avoid Failure” and
“And Ends in a Success”.
The assignment includes PowerPoint slides and a summary requiring 300 words minimum. You
will choose two brands: One brand implementing the Success and Failure StoryBrand principles,
and one that does not. You will then design a PowerPoint presentation, including visual
examples that meet the following requirements below.
1. StoryBrand Framework: We’ll dissect the seven universal elements of powerful stories
outlined in StoryBrand. These elements, such as the hero, the villain, and the guide, can be
applied to brand storytelling to connect with customers on an emotional level.
Slide 1 – StoryBrand Framework: Summarize the StoryBrand Principles: Success and
Failure. Note that the textbook must be cited when referencing the StoryBrand
2. Brand Analysis: You’ll select 2 brands you’re familiar with, one brand implementing the
Success and Failure StoryBrand principles and 1 that is not, and analyze its current messaging
through the lens of StoryBrand.
Slide 2 – Positive Brand Analysis: Analyze a brand currently implementing the
StoryBrand Principles: Success and Failure. Include a minimum of three marketing
tactics exhibiting the principles. Marketing tactics are the strategic actions that direct the
promotion of a product or service to influence specific marketing goals. Examples of
marketing tactics include but are not limited to the following: magazine ads, billboards,
Google ads, retargeting display ads, sponsored blog posts, website home pages, social
media posts, video ads, email marketing, etc.
Tactics must have been published within the same 12-month period.
Additional slides are allowed to add room for visual examples.
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STCO 346
Slide 3 – Negative Brand Analysis: Present an analysis of a brand not currently
implementing StoryBrand Principles: Success and Failure Note: Include a minimum of
three occurrences in the brand’s marketing contradictory to the StoryBrand Principles.
3. StoryCraft Application: Once you’ve analyzed the brand, you’ll craft a brand story using the
StoryBrand framework. This could involve rewriting existing messaging or creating a new story
element to strengthen the brand’s connection with its audience.
Recommended Storycraft: Write a 300 word summary of the changes you would recommend for
the brand currently not implementing StoryBrand Principles: Success and Failure. How
specifically could they start implementing the first two principles?
The written assignment requires the following:
Title page and Reference pages
Standard 1′′ margins, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and is double–spaced.
Length of assignment: 300 words (excluding Title Page and Reference Page), and 3
Powerpoint Slides
Format of assignment: written in current APA format.
Number of citations: at least 2. The acceptable sources include the textbook, scholarly
resources, course materials
Submit as the written assignment as a MS Word document. You may upload it separately
or with the PowerPoint.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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