Workplace setting: Cardiac Clinic in Atlanta Ga – Grady Heart&Vascular Center. Look at community need.
Employment Contract: Malpractice insurance cover (name a type), loans paid back on a contract, vacation time off,
Funding and Payments: how much you want yearly (back it up by research). sample of a workday, how many visits are you going to plan on seeing a day (what type of visits); how much are you going to get reimbursed from Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance. Basically seeing what your value is, you can bill for your services. The kind of insurances you are going to accept and how much you going to receive for visit, how much you’re gonna get paid. What a typical day looks like.
Collaborative Agreement: what is require in GA concerning collaborative agreement
APRN Practice Protocol: describe the setting that you’re in and talk about your practice protocol agreement. If something goes outside my scope what protocol I need to follow in the clinic. ***This is different that collaborative***
Assessment and Evaluation: see so many patients a day. Describe outcomes that will be assessed to evaluate the effectiveness of practicing. How often is that going to be. How do you know where you need to be. How you going to be evaluated.
****Do not put a lot of information on the slide.(bullet points) (pictures)*****
****Please use references that are within
the last 5 years*****
***** I also include a student example, do
not copy*****
****** Please include speaker notes. The presentation has to be 10-14 minutes****
***** please look at images*****